Home Consciousness November 2024 Astrology Through Dates: Soft Energies Heralding the End of the Year

November 2024 Astrology Through Dates: Soft Energies Heralding the End of the Year

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

“And November sad—a psalm tender, trustful, full of balm; Thou must breathe in spirits calm.” -Caroline May

Henry Rollins once said, “The month of November makes me feel that life is passing more quickly. In an effort to slow it down, I try to fill the hours more meaningfully.”

This year was truly marked by retrogrades. Influenced by their energy, we had to stop and evaluate our lives’ paths. We also need to decelerate and take a look at our past for directions and wisdom so that we can heal ourselves.

November 2024 arrives with the profound and reflective Scorpio New Moon, establishing the tone for the month to come.

November marks the penultimate month of the calendar year, and although the pace often quickens, it appears that the celestial influences are encouraging us to pause and contemplate. There seems to be a considerable amount of slow progress occurring, and it’s possible that we might even experience some regression.

Mars, set to enter its retrograde next month, will be gearing us up for what lies ahead as it forms a series of intense and fiery alignments. The initial days of the month may present challenges, yet as we approach the Taurus Full Moon, a surge of stabilizing energy will be available.

As the month draws to a close, Mercury will enter its retrograde phase, contributing to the sluggish atmosphere. This moment calls for us to have faith in our inner voice and to depend on our intuition rather than the opinions of the outside world.

Here are some important astrological dates to consider this month:

Astrology for November 2024

Passionate New Moon in Scorpio: November 1st

The Scorpio New Moon marks the beginning of the month. This upcoming lunar cycle offers us the strength and courage needed to navigate whatever challenges the month may bring. The atmosphere surrounding this New Moon initially seems demanding, yet the benefits will undoubtedly come in due time! With this occurring in the emotional realm of Scorpio, there may be a desire to withdraw and reflect in order to gather our strength and understand our current circumstances. This New Moon may bring profound insights.

Mars Opposite Pluto: November 3rd

The dance between Mars and Pluto is an experience we have been sensing since mid-October. The pairing of Mars and Pluto creates a dynamic and powerful synergy, urging us to embrace our strength and assert our personal power. As Mars and Pluto align at their peak today, we might sense tensions escalating yet gradually easing as well. We might discover it simpler to attain our tranquility and navigate the intensity with more grace. If we are experiencing burnout, after today, we might begin to notice a rise in our energy levels.

Mars Enters Leo: November 4th

Mars is moving slowly through our cosmic skies and has now entered Leo, where it will stay for an extended period due to its upcoming retrograde next month. The presence of Mars in the vibrant sign of Leo will inspire a sense of playfulness and enjoyment. It is important to incorporate more joy into our routines and prioritize time for the individuals who truly matter. As the holiday season draws near, we might observe our social calendars beginning to fill up. Mars invites us to engage in play while also emphasizing the importance of being mindful about whom we dedicate our time to. Channel this energy to connect with individuals who elevate you and enable you to embrace your genuine, authentic self.

11/11 Portal: November 11th

It’s 11:11! Make a wish! This enchanting day reveals one of the most potent angel numbers we possess! 1111 carries numerous sacred and significant meanings, fundamentally representing a number pattern that signifies we are advancing, aligned with our path, and receiving divine support! Engage with this number code today by establishing your intentions and concentrating on everything you desire to bring into reality.

Saturn Turns Direct: November 15th

Saturn resumes its direct motion after a period of retrograde that began in June. Saturn is recognized as the Lord of Karma, and during its retrograde phase, we often find ourselves revisiting certain karmic lessons we have been engaging with. With Saturn now moving direct, our tasks are complete, and we can enjoy the benefits! We might experience rapid advancements in our endeavors, feeling a heightened sense of motivation to accomplish tasks, and gaining a more profound insight into the challenges we have encountered.

Ambitious Full Moon in Taurus: November 15th

The Taurus Full Moon carries an unpredictable, unconventional energy influenced by the placement of Uranus. Uranus tends to stir things up to bring about awakening, suggesting that this Full Moon may present challenges as we confront difficult truths, or perhaps, amidst all this upheaval, it will be tricky to discern our position. Neptune is currently active, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty or ambiguity. The stable and reliable energy of Taurus will support us, encouraging a systematic and pragmatic approach. This Full Moon might evoke a whirlwind of emotions within us. The unpredictable energy may seem disorienting, yet reconnecting with nature and adopting a gradual, deliberate approach will prove beneficial.

Sun Opposite Uranus: November 17th

Additional Uranus energy is present to disperse the airwaves! Transformation is palpable with this alignment, and we might discover ourselves altering our stance or path. We might unexpectedly experience a shift in our feelings about a situation or encounter an enlightening realization. As the Full Moon wanes and the Sun opposite Uranus, we might experience a sense of fatigue and a desire for rejuvenation. Returning to certain grounding practices can foster a sense of balance.

Pluto Enters Aquarius: November 19th

A truly impactful day! Pluto has completed its time in Capricorn for our lifetime! Pluto has been traveling through the sign of the Sea Goat since 2008 and is now officially in Aquarius. This marks a significant milestone in our journey together. Pluto explores concepts associated with death and rebirth. Since 2008, we have all been improving in various aspects. Have you observed any changes or recurring themes that emerged for you in 2008? Reflecting on the past, you might recognize the cycle that has occurred and the ways that you have evolved since then.

Sagittarius Season Begins: November 21st

As Scorpio Season concludes, we transition into the vibrant energy of Sagittarius Season. The energy elevates and transforms, encouraging us to embrace a more sociable and adventurous spirit. Sagittarius is symbolized by the archer’s arrow. With the Sagittarius Sun shining bright, we are inspired to set our sights on our goals! What do we desire to bring into existence? As the year draws to a close, the Sag Sun encourages us to recognize that the present moment is the ideal time to take action.

Final Mercury Retrograde of the Year: November 26th

The last Mercury Retrograde of the year has arrived. Mercury is set to station retrograde in Sagittarius and will continue in this phase until December 15. Mercury Retrograde is a period rich with intuition, encouraging us to prioritize our inner experiences over external influences. Mercury Retrograde may occasionally lead to misunderstandings or hold-ups. Mercury Retrograde is not considered the best time to buy electronics or watches, so you might want to reevaluate your gift suggestions.

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