Mercury has a very fast orbital speed. As a result, the average length of a year on Mercury is just about 88 days.
Hence, on an average Earth year, we will find ourselves observing Mercury orbiting in reverse. This phenomenon is also called the retrograde motion of Mercury by astrologists and enthusiasts.
This phase is known to cause what astrologists call ‘brain fog.’ This phenomenon essentially stems from a deeper understanding of the original meanings.
Mercury, also known as Hermes, was the Mediterranean god of communication and, by extension, ruled speech.
As a result, retrograde is all about miscommunication and intentions being backfired. As a result, there might be emotional and societal issues in life all of a sudden. And what is more, this time is not fruitful for new beginnings.
Mercury is known as the messenger of the gods, and the gods used to send messages as dreams. It is no surprise, then, that the retrograde motion of the messenger planet makes it very difficult to get a good night’s sleep.
What does not help at all is the fact that Mercury rules the mind and nerves of individuals and hence has a profound effect on emotion and the way people perceive emotions.
As a result, it becomes very difficult to not be restless at night when one needs sleep.
Dreams were always considered to be prophetic. It was always something that looked forward, whether it was a bad portent or an omen of fortune.
The Romans, Greeks, Vikings, Chinese, and every major civilization hence had a rich tradition of soothsayers and prophets.
When in retrograde, it is clear what happens; hence, Mercury makes us dream of the past instead of the present or future. You end up remembering a lot, and you end up thinking about things from the past a lot.
This is especially true of romantic relationships. Past lovers may make forays into your life and dreams. This might affect your current relationships, too.
These are, in layman’s terms, times when you feel like drunk texting your ex.
Do not do it. Control.
You get through 3–4 retrogrades a year, and this is no different. You will be fine. Take some medication for a few days, and try to sleep well.
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