Home Consciousness Major Energies Are Hitting Us Right Now – Are You Feeling It Too?

Major Energies Are Hitting Us Right Now – Are You Feeling It Too?

by consciousreminder
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By  Emmanuel Dagher | Via SpiritLibrary 

We are currently moving through a highly active energy cycle that began last week, and will continue until early September.

During highly active energy cycles, there’s often a great deal of electricity in the air, which is felt most powerfully by those who are sensitive to energy.

When this much electricity is in the air, it offers us an excellent opportunity to take action towards creating the reality of our choice.

This is not the time to sit on the sidelines, watching as life passes us by!

Just like the seasons, energy goes through different cycles. Sometimes the energy is in a dormant cycle, and at other times, the energy is in a highly active cycle.

Right now, we are in a highly active cycle.

When the energetic heat is turned up as it is right now, it often manifests itself in the following ways in our personal lives:

Beginning a new project, job, or creative venture

Cleaning up and resolving past debts (personal, financial, etc.)

Deciding to move to a new home or location

Changes in appetite and eating habits

Being more social and making new friends

Giving ourselves a healthy outlet to express our creativity

Starting a new relationship or rekindling a past or current one

Feelings of being motivated and action-oriented

Taking a trip

Exercising and being more physically active

Taking a new class or course

Cleaning our house or living space

If any of these examples sound good to you, now is the time to explore them and take action!

There are two kinds of action: inspired action and forced action.

When we try to take forced action, we usually come up against a great deal of resistance.

Many of us grew up being taught that making or forcing something to happen is what brings it to us. We were taught that if we were assertive about making our dreams a reality, we would be rewarded with positive results.

We were taught that the harder we worked, the more things we could acquire to make us happy. Even though this method may work temporarily, most of the time it comes with a hefty price, like the disruption of our wellbeing.

When we operate from a space of always trying to make or force something to happen, that usually puts a great deal of pressure and stress on our emotional and mental bodies.

Over time, this shows up as an imbalance in our emotional, mental, or physical body.

But there is a kind of action that doesn’t require us to push so hard, and that is inspired action.

When we take inspired action, we do so from a place of awareness, ease, and grace.

We become so present to the opportunities and blessings the Universe is offering us, that we easily step into them from a place of gratitude. There’s no force, control, or pressure needed.

With inspired action comes a trust that the Universe/Our Spirit is taking care of us fully.

It’s in this present moment that we are the most effective deliberate creator of our lives.

Special note: Because of the highly active energies right now, it has become very challenging and almost uncomfortable for us to procrastinate—to resist being active.

Even if it’s as simple as going for a walk outside or moving our body through dance or any kind of aerobic exercise, these inspired actions will serve us greatly during this time.

Physical Shifts

When we are in a highly active energy cycle, our body can experience any of the following:

Our vision sharpens.

Our sense of hearing, taste, touch, and smell become more refined.

We might feel a bit dizzy at times, or spaced out.

Our skin may feel a bit more itchy than usual—a confirmation that we are energetically “shedding our old skin,” and letting healthy new skin to emerge.

Our weight fluctuates.

Our sleeping patterns change.

We tend to lose track of time.

However these energy shifts show up for you, just know that it’s normal, and part of the process.

©2009-2017 Emmanuel Dagher/Magnified Manifesting. All Rights Reserved www.emmanueldagher.com – You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute these forecasts with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link

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