Home Consciousness Full Moon Astrology: Let The Flower Full Moon Transform You Inside Out

Full Moon Astrology: Let The Flower Full Moon Transform You Inside Out

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

If you are someone interested in astrology, or even a stargazer, then be prepared to see a major celestial event taking place. 18th May marks the full moon, also known as the Flower Moon.

The full moon is taking place in Scorpio and is called the seasonal Blue Moon. The reason, it happens to be the fourth Full Moon, taking place after the Equinox. And it’s special.

The Full Moon is like an astrological purgative- it is about cleansing your life. The moon will bring about rebirth and eventually, transform you from within. So, get ready for a complete spiritual transformation. But since the Full Moon will be in Scorpio, it brings up the question of your authentic self. The full moon is about getting rid of those burdens and aligning yourself with your true inner self.

However, purging is not all that this moon brings. The Scorpio Full Moon is about teaching and understanding ourselves. The thing is, we don’t really know who we are. We are always seeking a deeper connection with our soul but our lack of understanding makes us incapable of doing so.

The Scorpio Full Moon is here to help you out in that respect. It lays the groundwork for your inner self. Remember, the Scorpio energy is not about what you are doing but how you are going about it. The change from ‘What’ to ‘How’ makes a lot of differences. What is all about the end, it does not really define the means to get to it.

We all have a specific concept as to ‘what’ we desire. The real problem lies with the ‘how’. We need to understand the way to get to a place – the means of it. And it is only when we use it that we can gain perspective on where we are going.

Be attentive to what your heart and soul desire. Since Scorpio reveals our inner selves, it won’t be that hard to find. You just have to look inside and appreciate who you are. Acknowledge yourself. This is a powerful time.

You have to be a little bit gentle and understand the alchemy of how things work. Transform yourself, prioritise what you really desire and go for it. The Full Moon is happening just as it is entering into Sagittarius, so be extra prepared.

The planets will send in a load of energy towards you – all you have to do is channel it well through you.

This entry is called an ingress. Such an entry refers to a change of sign – from one sign, the moon will be giving in to another. The Full Moon will be completing this ingress, just after and before totality. But unlike the previous month, the Sun won’t be changing signs, that is, moving from Taurus into Gemini during this Full Moon.

Get your way into complete transformation and rebirth. Let this Scorpion Full Moon transform you from within.

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