Home Consciousness Five Positive Things You Can Do For Mercury Retrograde

Five Positive Things You Can Do For Mercury Retrograde

by consciousreminder
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By Melody Ullah,
Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder

Mercury has gone retrograde for the second time on July 7th, 2019, turning direct again on August 1st.  The third retrograde will be on October 31st, 2019, with it going direct again finally on November 20th, 2019. 

Mercury takes 88 days to do one revolution around the Sun.  During retrograde periods, we can experience some problems with communications and electrical activity.  There can be misunderstandings and minor nuisances. 

It is best to restrain from doing any major business and legal activities such as signing any important contracts or entering any new financial obligations etc. Instead, it is better to use these periods for researching and planning.

We are usually told about the negative consequences of Mercury retrograde. However, we can use Mercury retrograde times in positive ways, and it can have positive effects on our lives also.  Here are just a few examples:

A time for careful Reflection & Relaxation– We can use this time to reflect upon what has and hasn’t worked for us in the past. Reflection helps us evaluate and determine what we want to keep moving into the future and what we want to let go of.

Relaxation will help during this time also. If you have a lot pending (i.e.-decisions, deadlines, negotiations, etc.) take some time to relax and pause to avoid possible conflict or wrong outcomes if it is possible.

A time for Researching & Planning– We can use this time to gather information and to plan. This applies to whatever is important to you and your life. Brainstorm for your new project. Map out your career goals. Plan a trip. Plan an event. Collect your raw data or organize your belongings.

Write a letter or write your Thoughts down-Since Mercury retrograde is infamous for causing communication problems, writing your thoughts down while carefully contemplating them may serve you better opposed to verbally speaking.

Of course, communication problems can occur under Mercury retrograde whether they are verbal or written, but writing them and taking the time to read them over may help spare you from saying something out of impulse that you hadn’t taken the time to think much about.

This would be related to important relationships in your life or things you want to say to a partner or significant other. It could also relate to a work-related project in which you have to speak about, present, or pitch.

Take a Break from Electronics for a while-This may be easier said then done, due to the way technology is so important in our lives. It may be impossible to do, however, using this time to reconnect with nature would do us all well. 

Take a break from cell phone usage and spend some time in nature. If possible, in some cases, instead of writing an email, write a letter and mail it. Take a break from the office and the computer and spend some time with mother nature. It will be good for the soul.

Expand your Crystal Collection– If you love crystals, take this time to research some new ones to add to your collection. Or, bring out some that you may have collecting dust, charge them, and bring new life to them. 

Crystals can help with the often anxious energies of Mercury retrograde.  Blue crystals are best for emitting calming energies. Examples would be aquamarine and blue lace agate.

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