Home Consciousness Maximize Your Manifestation Powers During the Lion’s Gate Portal 2024

Maximize Your Manifestation Powers During the Lion’s Gate Portal 2024

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

From July 26 to August 12, a highly captivating and influential phase unfolds in the astrological calendar. Discover how to effectively tap into its immense energy.

Congratulations if you’re experiencing a growing sense of magic in the air or feeling connected to an elevated state of being! It seems that you have a keen sensitivity to the current cosmic energies, as we are currently in the midst of a significant celestial event called the Lion’s Gate Portal, which will last from July 26th to August 12th.

During this special time, we can experience significant spiritual growth, an elevated state of consciousness, and a powerful transformation. We can greatly enhance our ability to manifest our desires with the Light Codes we receive during this period.

This will be particularly noticeable during the peak of the Lion’s Gate Portal on August 8th, also referred to as the Galactic New Year.

What Exactly is the Lion’s Gate Portal?

The Lion’s Gate Portal is activated during the alignment of Sirius and the Sun in Leo, symbolized by the bold and fearless lion constellation.

Sirius, also known as the Dog Star, shines as the most brilliant star in the night sky. During ancient Egypt, Sirius had a significant connection to the goddess Isis, a highly esteemed figure in Egyptian mythology. Concepts of fertility, rejuvenation, and the annual flooding of the Nile were closely associated with Isis.

When it comes to astrology, we connect Sirius to our lofty spiritual goals and our soul’s profound karmic path. The Sun plays a significant role in shaping our identity, ego, sense of purpose, and the areas where we have the potential to excel in this lifetime.

Thus, when these celestial bodies align, the radiant energy of Sirius combines with the life-sustaining force of the Sun, illuminating the path that leads to our highest spiritual development. The alignment of celestial bodies creates a powerful channel through which we receive profound messages encoded in the form of Light Codes.

These can manifest as various forms of cosmic communication, such as divine insights, spontaneous bursts of creativity or realization, fortuitous encounters, mystical messages, and powerful energetic awakenings.

This energy is believed to offer enhanced opportunities for healing, manifestation, and enlightenment. It has the potential to awaken a deep sense of awareness and expand our perspectives, enabling us to embrace a higher state of consciousness.

What Makes 8/8 an Important Date?

The Lion’s Gate Portal and the assimilation of Light Codes culminate on August 8th. On the date 8/8, there is an added sense of auspiciousness. Numerologically, the number 8 is closely associated with luck and good fortune. Additionally, when placed sideways, it becomes a symbol for infinity.

On August 8th, we observe a remarkable celestial event where Sirius, the Sun, the Earth, and the ‘galactic center’ align in perfect harmony. On this particular date, the Galactic New Year holds great significance, as it is believed to be the time when the power of Light Codes is at its peak.

Through embracing these messages and being open to personal growth, we are granted celestial assistance in breaking free from outdated patterns and karmic cycles that have hindered our spiritual development. This is the reason why 8/8 holds significance as a fresh start for our spiritual awareness.

Mastering the Art of Manifestation

There is significant buzz surrounding manifestation, and it’s likely that you’ve come across a few individuals on Instagram who claim to have the ability to unlock your potential. Perhaps you have even tried your own Manifestation Meditation or gained some insight into the Law of Attraction from the popular book, The Secret.

Manifestation revolves around the idea that we have the ability to attract the ideal circumstances we desire into our lives by harnessing the power of our attention.

The concept of ‘where attention goes, energy goes’ is a fundamental principle of manifestation.

Everyone agrees that energy makes up the entire Universe. As Einstein famously stated, ‘Everything is energy, and that is all there is to it.’ Aligning your vibration with the desired reality is key to manifesting it effortlessly.

We live in a vast realm of boundless possibilities, where the energetic frequencies are in a constant state of flux. By adjusting the vibration of our thought waves, we have the power to shift the frequency of the Universe and manifest our desires.

Manifesting our desires requires more than just wishful thinking. It necessitates setting clear intentions, visualizing the desired outcome, expressing gratitude for what we are manifesting (even before it materializes), and having unwavering faith and belief in our deservingness of it.

It is important to let go of our desires and have faith that the Universe will provide us with what we truly require, even if it may not align with our immediate wants. Manifestation, at its core, is a collaborative process with the Universe.

During the Lion’s Gate Portal, there is a belief that we receive powerful energetic vibrations in the form of Light Codes from the Galactic Center, which is considered to be the ultimate source of wisdom and understanding.

Due to their proximity to Sirius, the codes undergo a powerful amplification during transmission. Consequently, these bursts of inspiration or heightened awareness greatly enhance our ability to manifest the new reality we yearn for when they reach us on Earth.

Harness the Powerful Energy of the Lion’s Gate Portal

During the Lion’s Gate Portal vortex from July 26th to August 12th, it is beneficial to approach all encounters, opportunities, and situations with a sense of serendipity.

Is it possible that these messages hold a deeper meaning or valuable lessons for you?

Which sparks of inspiration are coming your way, and where do you sense a profound transformative change?

Do you experience any intuitive insights or bursts of energy that can aid in your healing process?

Make sure to record any occurrences in your journal.

Consider the individual you aspire to be and the previous iteration of yourself that you wish to distance yourself from. What factors have been holding you back? Which patterns can be broken, and which ties can be cut that keep pulling you back repeatedly? Where can you take advantage of this time to embrace your inner strength and become your best self?

Begin your day on the Galactic New Year (8 August) by creating a list of things you are grateful for. Expressing gratitude is a crucial aspect of manifestation, as it has the power to elevate our frequency and attract positive energy.

By consistently writing a gratitude list each day, even if it’s just three things you’re thankful for, you can open yourself up to receiving even greater abundance.

It is beneficial to dedicate some time to practicing meditation, breathwork, or yoga to clear your mind and connect with your higher consciousness. This facilitates the flow of inspiration, downloads, and the transmission of Light Codes. Consider incorporating crystals like citrine, sunstone, and amber into your practice to enhance your receptivity to these insights.

Approach this day with the same level of importance as you would any other ‘new year’. Take the time to set intentions, make resolutions, and carefully write down your goals and desires.

Check Out this Lion’s Gate Manifestation Technique!

Clearly identify your desires and intentions for what you want to bring into your life. Provide precise and optimistic information.

Imagine yourself in this scenario at some point in the future. Close your eyes and let the image come to life in your mind. What sensory experiences can you perceive? As you envision this scenario, embrace a sense of deep appreciation and gratitude that fills your entire being, from the core of your being to the very top of your head. Embrace the sense of anticipation that you already possess.

Write a thorough description of this situation in the present tense. For instance, ‘I find myself in my ideal kitchen, gazing out the window at my charming country cottage garden, accompanied by the love of my life, and I am able to perceive…’ Bring it to life with vibrant and captivating descriptions.

Once you’ve finished writing, carefully place the paper in an envelope. As you fold and seal it, take a moment to express gratitude to the Universe. Acknowledge that you are now letting go of your desire and entrusting it to the realm of source consciousness.

Consider integrating journaling into your daily routine, using the following prompts at various intervals throughout this cosmic portal: This practice can help you gain deeper self-awareness and open yourself up to the possibility of shifting your current path.

  • Which practices, situations, and individuals evoke a sense of empowerment and confidence within me?
  • Which activities align with my authentic purpose?
  • Which areas of your life are causing you frustration, a sense of limitation, and feeling stuck?
  • What factors may be hindering me from embracing the desired role?
  • What are the fears that prevent me from stepping into the spotlight and pursuing my dreams?
  • Which thought patterns or habits can I transform to enhance my potential? How can I embrace vulnerability to cultivate a fresh mindset and adopt new behaviors?

It is important to keep in mind that a crucial aspect of the Lion’s Gate Portal involves focusing on cultivating radical self-acceptance and self-love.

Engaging in daily affirmations and positive self-talk during this period can have a profound impact. If we continue to resist our current selves, it becomes challenging to truly appreciate and collaborate with the future version of ourselves that we aspire to be.

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