Home Consciousness September 2024 Astrology Through Dates: Clean Up the Energetic Baggage

September 2024 Astrology Through Dates: Clean Up the Energetic Baggage

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The tides are shifting along with the weather.

Step into the final stretch of summer, dudes and dudettes!

September is an incredibly eventful month in 2024! Given the powerful energy in the cosmos and the presence of Eclipses, it is safe to say that September holds great potential for transformation. The way we start the month may not be indicative of how it will conclude.

It is highly probable that the Eclipses will have a significant influence on the cosmic airways. Eclipses can be felt both before and after their arrival, extending their influence for about a month. There is an Eclipse happening this month, specifically a Pisces Lunar Eclipse on the 17th. Another Eclipse, similar in nature, will occur on October 2nd. This suggests that both September and October will have comparable energy. It is possible that we will need to wait until the end of October to fully acknowledge the significant changes that have occurred.

Given the abundance of energy in the cosmic skies, this month presents a unique opportunity to welcome change and remain receptive to the endless possibilities that the universe has in store.

During the initial phase of the month, we will benefit from the grounded energy of Virgo, which will encourage us to prioritize our well-being and cultivate our inner strengths. Embrace this energy, and dedicate yourself to nurturing your inner world and cultivating inner strength. Incorporate some beneficial practices into your routine, safeguard your energy, establish strong boundaries, and prioritize the care of your physical well-being.

As we approach the Eclipse, the Universe may beckon us to embrace surrender in the latter part of the month. As we navigate these transits, it’s important to strike a balance between surrendering to their guidance and asserting ourselves when necessary.

The Equinox and the Sun’s transition into Libra will inspire us to seek a harmonious equilibrium between relinquishing control and asserting our authority. It is important to be mindful of what we should release and what we should assume control over. It’s important to prioritize self-care and find healthy ways to recharge our energy, preventing feelings of exhaustion and burnout.

By the end of September, we will still be experiencing the powerful effects of the Eclipse Season, with the potential for significant changes and closures. It seems as though a chapter has come to an end, and we find ourselves eagerly anticipating what lies ahead. It is highly probable that October will provide you with the answers you seek.

Get ready to delve deep into the cosmic happenings of this month as we reveal your comprehensive astrology forecast for September 2024.

Now, let’s examine the important dates for the upcoming month.

Astrology for September 2024

Uranus Retrograde in Taurus: September 1st

Uranus, the planet associated with transformation and self-discovery, has entered retrograde motion. This celestial event prompts us to step back and carefully evaluate any recent shifts in our lives. We can start to understand how the changes we’ve made are benefiting us, or maybe not benefiting us. After experiencing unexpected or unsettling events, we may start to gain a clearer and more profound understanding.

Pluto Re-enters Capricorn: September 1st

Pluto enters Capricorn one final time! This is an incredibly important time to conclude and bring to a climax everything that we have experienced since 2008, when Pluto initially entered Capricorn. Pluto is unlikely to revisit Capricorn in our lifetime, making this period particularly significant. Pluto’s influence encourages us to deeply contemplate the cycles of death and rebirth we have experienced during this period. During this period, it is possible that we are reaching the end of a chapter, or maybe we are realizing the extent of our personal growth. Pluto’s return to Capricorn has the potential to reveal instances of corruption, particularly within the realms of banking corporations, big business, and the government/law.

Mercury Trine Chiron: September 2nd

With Mercury now moving direct, there is an opportunity to address and resolve any lingering thoughts or conversations that have been causing discomfort. Chiron serves as a powerful reminder that every painful experience has the potential to be a valuable teacher, guiding us towards personal growth and a greater self-awareness. Mercury trine Chiron can inspire profound mental breakthroughs that lead to deep healing. Now is an opportune moment to engage in open conversations with a trusted companion or reflect on your thoughts through journaling.

Virgo New Moon: September 2nd

The energy of the Virgo New Moon brings a sense of stability and practicality, which is sure to be embraced with open arms! We might gain a greater sense of clarity regarding the path ahead or find solace in the possibility of a positive outcome for a situation we’ve been navigating. The Virgo New Moon is strongly linked to the Pisces Lunar Eclipse, suggesting that we may receive valuable insights into what lies ahead. The New Moon in Virgo will pave the way for fresh beginnings. The intentions we set during this time may not yield immediate results, but they will gradually flourish in the future.

Mars Square Neptune: September 3rd

In the first part of September, there will be a square between Mars in Gemini and Neptune Retrograde, which will bring about a heightened sense of urgency when it comes to dealing with hazy or uncertain circumstances. Mars’s influence will prompt us to take decisive action if someone in our lives has been unclear or deceitful. It seems that our patience is wearing thin when it comes to those who haven’t been truthful with us. The Mars Square Neptune can also assist us in our spiritual journey. There is a potential for increased dedication and a greater sense of personal development in our spiritual journey.

Venus Conjunct Black Moon Lilith and South Node: September 4th

With the Black Moon Lilith conjunct the South Node and adding Venus to the mix, there is a significant surge of feminine energy present. Venus further enhances the potent combination of destructive and creative energy that Black Moon Lilith possesses. When faced with destruction and chaos, Venus has the power to guide us towards the creation of something new. Take note of the things that are falling apart in your life, and understand that there is potential for a fresh start.

Mars in Cancer: September 4th

It is crucial to closely observe Mars’ transition into Cancer! Beginning next month, Mars will enter a shadow phase as it prepares for its upcoming retrograde motion. This particular planetary movement has significant influence because Mars retrogrades less frequently than other zodiac signs. During Mars retrograde, various aspects of our energy levels, where we direct our energy, and our motivation can be significantly influenced. It can also shed light on our emotions, fears, masculinity, and areas where we should embrace our inner warrior. In December, Mars will undergo retrograde motion in Leo, only to transition back into Cancer before resuming its direct course in February 2025. By closely observing the emerging patterns as Mars moves into Cancer, we can gain valuable insights into the potential implications of this upcoming Mars Retrograde.

Mercury Square Uranus: September 7th

A potentially confusing day, with our emotions scattered and unfocused. Exercise caution and skepticism when receiving information today, as there may be potential misunderstandings. It may be wise to steer clear of scheduling crucial discussions or consider documenting everything for future reference. Unexpected revelations may disrupt the status quo, but rest assured that more information or a clearer understanding is likely to come.

Sun Opposite Saturn: September 8th

This could be a demanding day, prompting us to face our obligations and recognize any areas where we might be lacking. Although the Universe may appear unjust, we always face challenges that we can conquer. Now is a crucial moment to embrace and overcome the challenges that lie before us. We will discover that things become easier when we embrace challenges head-on.

Mercury in Virgo: September 9th

With Mercury’s transition into Virgo, a sense of harmony and balance graces the cosmic skies. Mercury, being the planet of communication, allows for a smooth flow of our communicative efforts. Mercury in Virgo enables us to think with precision and focus on the finer details that may have eluded us initially. Now is an opportune moment to carefully review and edit any written documents.

Sun Square Jupiter: September 12th

Understanding the influence of Jupiter and the Sun can provide valuable insights into our lives. Given this alignment, it seems that there is a sense of potential growth stirring within us. There appears to be a sense of tension building up, which could potentially contribute to the growth and development of something that is on the verge of blossoming. Now is an opportune moment to manifest your desires.

A Lunar Eclipse in Pisces Kicks Off Eclipse Season: September 18th

Welcome to Eclipse Season! We have our last Lunar Eclipse of the year, but our first for September/October! The Pisces Lunar Eclipse is special because it previews the Virgo-Pisces Eclipse cycle that begins next year. Eclipse cycles last 18 months, so we’re just beginning this one. The Pisces Lunar Eclipse may end a chapter. If we had issues at the start of the year, this Eclipse could solve them. While this Eclipse may bring challenging energy and remove something from our lives, Eclipses always bring us where we need to be. Our intuition will guide us during this Eclipse in watery, sensitive Pisces. We must listen to our inner voice, watch our energy, and choose our friends.

Sun trine Uranus: September 19th

With the Sun in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus, we can expect an influx of positive information coming our way! We might receive some news that appears promising or guides us towards a specific path. With the Sun trine Uranus, we can effortlessly navigate through transformative changes. Today presents a favorable opportunity to embark on a fresh path.

Sun Opposite Neptune: September 21st

Reflect on the events that occurred earlier in the month. Was there any confusion that has since been resolved? Did you successfully shed light on something that had been concealed? The events that occurred at the beginning of the month are now approaching a conclusion.

Libra Season & The Autumn Equinox: September 22nd

Welcome the arrival of Libra Season and the Equinox, a time when we experience an equal balance of day and night. This day holds great significance in our calendar, serving as a time to acknowledge our personal journey and cultivate a sense of harmony within ourselves. Take a moment to carefully consider where you are directing your energy and assess if there are any opportunities for adjustments. It is crucial to utilize our energy wisely, as it is our most valuable asset. During this period, it is advantageous to embrace and embody our Venusian qualities, as Libra is governed by Venus. Devote yourself to cultivating a sense of beauty in both your surroundings and within yourself. Prioritize your financial matters and ensure that you allocate time for nurturing your friendships.

Sun Trine Pluto + Venus Square Pluto: September 23rd

The Sun and Pluto are perfectly aligned, joined by Venus and Pluto! This unique combination has the potential to greatly influence power dynamics within our relationships. There might be a strong inclination to firmly assert our own truth. On the other hand, we might find it beneficial to take a moment to reflect and cultivate a greater sense of empathy. It’s advisable to seek harmonious equilibrium amidst the prevailing energies. We strive to maintain a balanced approach, avoiding both passivity and aggression, in order to achieve our desired outcomes.

Venus Enters Scorpio: September 23rd

Venus transitions from Libra to Scorpio, allowing it to explore its profound and mysterious aspects. Now is an opportune moment to fully embrace and appreciate your own shadow side. The subconscious intricately links to the shadow side, which also encompasses our deepest yearnings and fervors. Discover if you have the courage to confront your deepest desires. Discover the power of embracing your passions and pursuing what you truly desire. Prepare to be amazed by what lies beyond!

Mercury In Libra: September 26th

With the transition of Mercury into Libra, we are prompted to consider the perspectives of others and adopt a mindset that takes into account the thoughts and feelings of those around us. We may experience a heightened sense of compassion and a deeper connection with those closest to us. It becomes simpler to grasp the perspective of others.

Sun Conjunct Mercury: September 30th

When Mercury and the Sun align, they shed light on our lives, providing us with valuable insights and knowledge. Reflect on the previous Mercury Retrograde cycle, which occurred from August 5-28. You likely resolved any confusions and conversations from that period, and now you have a clear understanding of your current situation.

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