Home Consciousness September’s New Moon in Virgo Most & Least Affected Zodiac Signs

September’s New Moon in Virgo Most & Least Affected Zodiac Signs

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Embrace the undeniable allure of the practical Virgo vibes.

With the arrival of a new month, the September new moon brings a refreshing energy to clear away the intensity of August’s astrological events. It’s time to focus on your goals and make the most of the remaining days of summer. On September 2, the rising moon in practical-minded Virgo brings forth a powerful opportunity for all zodiac signs to delve into the details of their goals and embark on a fresh start with a clear and focused mindset. Certain signs will experience significant impacts from the September new moon, potentially leading to long-lasting changes in their lives. Fortunately, a few lucky zodiac signs will be able to effortlessly harness the energy of this lunar reset.

The new moon in Virgo brings the sun and moon together in this meticulous and detail-oriented earth sign, shedding light on the intricacies of people’s everyday schedules, health practices, and other small aspects of plans that may go unnoticed. Now is an opportune moment to focus on making small yet lasting changes in your life that will enhance your well-being and efficiency. Consider developing innovative time management strategies, decluttering your living area, or adopting a new exercise regimen.

With the sun and moon in Virgo, there will be a powerful encounter with Saturn in Pisces. This alignment will bring a sense of seriousness and practicality to your thoughts as you contemplate the best way to tackle your newfound responsibilities. Every zodiac sign is being called upon to elevate their approach and tackle their goals with a greater sense of maturity and foresight. However, this influence will be particularly noticeable for the mutable signs. Tap into Virgo’s keen attention to detail and practical nature by setting intentions that are grounded and achievable, with clear steps towards success.

Not only is this new moon the final one of the summer, but it also marks the last lunation before the start of eclipse season on September 17. This makes it a crucial period to focus on getting organized before the return of some cosmic chaos. It would be wise for everyone to make the most of these cosmic energies, and those zodiac signs that are least influenced by September’s new moon will find it particularly effortless to do so. However, those who are particularly influenced by the September new moon should take additional caution in connecting with their inner selves.

Here are the zodiac signs that are most and least affected by the September 2nd/3rd New Moon

Zodiac Signs Most Affected by September’s New Moon in Virgo

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Given that this is the annual new moon in your sign, Virgo, prepare yourself for a significant transformation in your life. This lunation is putting a mirror in front of you and asking you to examine how you are presenting yourself to the world. If you do not like what you see, you should make adjustments to adapt to the new circumstances. What are some aspects of yourself that you have wanted to change or improve in order to make the most of your potential? In order to have a more distinct point of view and sharpen the lens through which you view the world, what are some ways that you can do this? How could you make some minor adjustments that could potentially have a significant effect? It is important to be honest with yourself, but you should also avoid being overly critical. When making changes in your life, you should do so from a place of self-compassion rather than from a place of self-consciousness.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

This new moon in your ambitious tenth house will be an especially motivating time for you to begin new projects and refine your grind. Virgo season keeps you focused on the specifics of your career throughout the month. If your professional trajectory has been muddled or unclear, it is time to begin refining your plans in order to secure a position of privilege. Is your schedule organized in a way that allows you to be productive most of the time? Have you reached a point where you feel sufficiently organized to be able to effectively pursue your long-term goals? It is time to begin implementing some new routines at work and to approach the situation in a manner that is both realistic and pragmatic.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Right now, Pisces, it is time to take a closer look at the relationships that are closest to you in your life and examine them in greater detail. Because this new moon is rising in the sector of your chart that deals with partnerships, you have the opportunity to make some adjustments and adopt more positive dynamics with the people who are closest to you. There are a few things that may fly under the radar and eat away at the foundation of your connection, such as a small habit that has been hurtful or a minor situation that has been building resentment. Now is the time to get real about these things. Despite the fact that it is simple to turn the other cheek, it is for the sake of the longevity of your relationships that you should take action and address the issues.

Zodiac Signs Least Affected by September’s New Moon in Virgo

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Whether or not you have recently visited a classroom, you can take advantage of the sentiments associated with the new moon in September, which are associated with the return to school season. Because this lunation is rising in your sixth house, a house associated with routines, you will find it much easier than usual to organize your calendar and establish new healthy habits. You will probably discover that you are naturally gravitating toward positive shifts in your daily routine, even if you do not sit down and set clear-cut intentions. For example, you might consider adding a new exercise class to your calendar or experimenting with some new productivity hacks at work. You should make sure that your health is your top priority, regardless of how you choose to put this energy to use.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Because this lunation is rising in the communication zone of your chart, it is a favorable time for you, Cancer, to apply the precision and perfectionism that Virgo is known for so that you can express yourself more effectively. Under this new moon, take some time to yourself to figure out a pragmatic and sensible way to approach the situation. If there are conversations you need to bring up with people or ideas you’d like to work through in your head, take some time to yourself to figure out how to approach the situation. Writing down your thoughts in a journal can be a particularly helpful method for gaining clarity about your emotions or planning what you would like to discuss with another person. You should always be honest with yourself and approach your interactions with the world around you with the intention of making things better. If you do, your sincerity will be readily apparent.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

September’s new moon possesses a powerful ability to assist individuals in reorganizing their lives and setting out on new adventures. On the other hand, you, Libra, may feel the effects of this new moon more subtly than others. Because this new lunar cycle begins in your 12th house, which is associated with sleepiness and the subconscious, a significant amount of processing occurs behind the scenes rather than on the surface. For this reason, you need to make sure that you give yourself some time to relax and make an effort to connect with your intuition. Your higher self has the answers, and if you quiet the chatter from the outside world, you will be able to hear its voice. Your conscious mind may not know the next steps to take very clearly, but your higher self does.

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