by Roya Backlund If the thought of the infamous Friday the 13th is already filling you with dread, let me be the first one to tell you that your dread is …
Do you, at times, feel you function differently than your peers? That sometimes your mind and body are completely at odds with other people’s thinking and way of action? You …
1. Fight club This movie was released in 1999 and it has stars like Brad Pitt, Edward Norton, and Helena Carter. This is a story of madness and it has …
Cancer Solar Eclipse Ritual, July 2018 – Waves Of Change
by Tanaaz The July Partial Solar Eclipse in Cancer is going to be activating waves of change. You are going to be guided to awaken and shift parts of your life that …
Leaving “Special Ed” Allowed This Autistic Genius To Realize His Full Potential
by Conscious Reminder When young Jacob Barnett was diagnosed with autism, he was only two years old. His mother was informed by medical specialists that her son would have trouble …
by Conscious Reminder When we first find our twin flame we feel as if the whole world is beautiful and we have finally understood the purpose of our existence. We …
Well Into July The Skies Are Showing So Much Activity: Here’s What The Stars Have In Store For You
This July will bring forth many positive changes. The Mars retrograde period will be for two months till 28 August. Moreover this period will have three major eclipses. On July …
New Energy Shift Today! New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse In Cancer-Time For Intense Emotions
The moon cycles this year are at the strongest and most powerful levels. Those who are interested in astrology and those who regularly follow the info on our website, know …
by Conscious Reminder Vega Starseed is an alien species that originates from the brightest star system of the constellation Lyra, Vega. Also known as Vegans, they were originated from Lyra …
Near-Death Experiences: What’s Going On In The Brain Before Death Arrives
by Conscious Reminder It has been studied for a long time that moments just before the death involves the heart to stop beating ceasing blood flow which causes the body …