We have all experienced it, being around someone who has either taken an instant dislike to us, or a bizarre resentment suddenly appears in those we have known for some …
Over the course of our lives, we connect with various other souls. But there are also times when it becomes necessary to cut some of them off. ‘Cutting the cord’ …
We humans are so afraid of admitting our true desires. Deep inside we all want love, success, recognition, admiration, attention, but we are afraid of bringing it out on surface. …
Look Up! Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks This Weekend And Brings A Spectacular View
via FirstPost It was a summer night in 1862 when Louis Swift and Horace Tuttle saw the comet streaking across the sky for the first time in their lives, independent …
Rounding Up Eclipse Season: Today’s Leo Solar Eclipse Will Catapult Us Into The Stratosphere
by Conscious Reminder This season has seen all of us putting out lives in order and with this New Moon, we are ready to start our new journeys. We will …
In Tantra: manipura means ‘city of precious stones’ or ‘city of the sun’. It is situated around the navel, and has a connection with the solar plexus and the pancreas. …
by Conscious Reminder Have you ever wondered why you can NEVER settle for the second-best? Be it in the domain of love, career, family – you always find yourself struggling …
by Conscious Reminder It might sound strange but synchronization does exist between souls, working in its own cryptic ways. Propounded by renowned psychologist Carl Jung, this theory explains how certain …
by Conscious Reminder Auras exist in every shade imaginable and much can be learned by observing auras and the colors they take on. Even a person born with the skill …
Message From The Arcturian Council Of Light: We Are Not Alone
Dear ones we are looking to bring you enlightenment, to offer illumination in stormy skies. We are here as beings of light, benevolent, invested in humanity and her evolution. We …