by Aletheia Luna | Loner Wolf The notion that romantic love will fulfill and complete us is one of the greatest ingrained beliefs we carry in the 21st century. Everywhere we look …
The Mirror Effect Of The Empath & Why Some People Instantly Dislike You
by Diane Kathrine at Empaths Empowered We have all experienced it, being around someone who has either taken an instant dislike to us, or a bizarre resentment suddenly appears in …
Your Horoscope Overview For May Is Here And This Is How It Will Affect Each Of The Zodiac Signs
by Conscious Reminder Certainly a lot is afoot in the skies in the month of May. There are going to be quite a few new combinations, most notably among them …
by Robyn Reisch We Often Romanticize Friendship. We Love Our Friends, So We Like To Think Of Our Connections As Spontaneous And Fate-Driven. While this is true to a point, …
By Julie Strier When you are on the computer, does it seem to do things that aren’t “normal” or does it work fine one day and they won’t work at all …
by Conscious Reminder The lightworkers are the people who create new pathways for everyone, the torchbearers of the planet, who balance the light; their work here is to assist the …
Matters of the spirit can be difficult for us to understand simply because they are so much bigger than anything we can see or directly experience here on Earth. When …
by Conscious Reminder What’s the first thing you do when you come home after a long day at work? You take your shoes off, right? Have you ever liked walking on …
When we read about twin flames, the information beyond the romantic idea usually is all about finding the energetic balance. That is only half of the truth. Twin Flames are …
by Athena | Sage Goddess It’s May already, and if you’ve been sowing your seeds of prosperity, now is the time to see them sprout and flourish. The Great Wheel …