by Barbara Rose, PhD, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder 1. How can anyone receive direct communication from Divine Source, God, Higher Self, All That Is? Each spiritual/human being IS a physical …
by Doreen Virtue As a lifelong sensitive intuitive, I’ve seen that every person has two or more guardian angels with them at all times, usually stationed next to each shoulder. As …
Relationships are a gift; to finally find your life partner is a dream or a blessing come true. It happens when you connect with the other person soul to soul. …
We are sent many people during our lifetimes. Some of these people are meant to stay with us through it all and others are only here for a short while. …
by Conscious Reminder This April’s Full Moon will occur on the 29th at an angle of 9° in Scorpio Decan 1. This Full Moon’s astrology is not as simple and …
You Wouldn’t Want To Miss This April’s Pink Full Moon. This Is What It Means For Your Zodiac Sign
by Conscious Reminder For Aries, this is the time to give vent to their suppressed feelings. The New Moon made you aware of these emotions you were blocking and you …
by Conscious Reminder A foot chakra balancer is an essential healing tool that every spiritual practitioner should have in their toolkit. If your foot chakras are causing you trouble, you can …
By Amanda Froelich at This meditation is for those who are tired of looking at the world through rose-colored glasses. Did you know? There are numerous benefits to meditating. In fact, True Activist compiled …
Did Quantum Physics Just Prove That There Is Life After Death?
by Luke Miller Truth Theory The study of consciousness has gained a huge amount of attention over the past decade as we begin to not only realize more about the …
We all are looking for someone to call our own; a soulmate with whom we can share everything. In fact, sometimes the thought of finding our better half is the …