This article is about the things that make couples feel connected, satisfied and happy with each other. Date someone who makes these things to make you happy: 1. Watch someone …
by Tanaaz In astrology, the Chiron asteroid symbolizes your deepest wound, your seed of spiritual transformation, and the alchemist of your life. Whenever Chiron is active in your birth chart, it …
Powerful Energies Brought By The New Moon On April 15th: Time To Kickstart A More Proactive Life
by Conscious Reminder April’s New Moon is going to take place right in the middle of the month. It is at an angle of 28° in Aries and is aligned …
Communicating With Your Spirit Guide Made Simple With These 7 Steps
by Conscious Reminder Spirit guides are the ones who teach your spirit to live its way through life. It’s very important that we communicate with them on a daily basis …
A lot of healing methods for the chakra are available out there.While some of these modalities work, some won’t. All because each chakra is associated with different frequency realms. Our …
Before You Diagnose Yourself With Depression, Try These 7 Things First
“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by assholes.” – William Gibson We’ve all gone through depressive emotional …
If You Experience These 7 Signs You Are Living In Synchronicity With The Universe
Synchronicities are series of coincidences that carry a powerful meaning for the individual that experiences them, a meaning that cannot be explained by ordinary terms. Their perfect timing and overwhelming …
Soul Contracts: Understanding The Agreements We Made Before Coming To Earth
Just before we come to earth, our soul family asks us just one simple question: “What is it you would like to learn this lifetime?” This is the moment when by …
Apparently Pope Francis Says “There is No Hell” And “Sinners Souls Just Disappear After Death”
by Tara Isabella Burton The Vatican communications department has been working overtime the past few weeks. First, its chief communications secretary, Dario Vigano, resigned under pressure after the Vatican admitted to doctoring a …
by Conscious Reminder New Moon of 15th April aligns at an angle of 26° within Aries decan three. The astrological events of this year’s April has been squeezed between Eris …