by Conscious Reminder Our lives are all intertwined. Logic dictates that we all influence each other. But where is the line where we stop being ourselves, and what happens then? …
Pick An Angels Script Symbol To Reveal Your Spirit Message: Theth — Pain When there is doubt and anxiety in your life remember that your negative thoughts are in your …
Our zodiac signs reflect a lot about our personality and who we are – especially when we believe it. We all have compatible people in our lives, and sometimes their …
by soulandspiritmagazine We’ve heard it all. Some people just don’t understand us. But lucky for you, we here on Soul & Spirit know exactly what you’re going through. That’s why we’ve rounded up …
By Brianna Wiest 1. They have a strong sense of identity. They know who they are, which means they also know – specifically – what they do and do not want in …
The Science Is In, And Yes — Yoga Helps With Depression
by Conscious Reminder Do you practice yoga? Do you believe that it can help you cure almost all of your diseases and problems? If yes, then you are right. Even …
Mercury retrograde 2017 starts on August 12 at 11° Virgo and ends on September 5 at 28° Leo. The upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle will probably be the most powerful one …
Every Person Has A Soul Mate. Here Are The Top 6 Steps To Find Yours…
A lot of time has gone by and Hollywood has not yet been able to get over the ‘love at first sight’ cliché. We’ve grown up on a steady diet …
Deep women are often misunderstood because they are extraordinary. They are once in a life time kind of people. Deep women are different. And what makes deep women different is who they …
by Deane Thomas, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder When we look at our lives and where we are today, we can see clearly we have achieved something incredible. We have fought our families, …