Numerous studies show that there is an invisible contact between humans and animals. It is believed that during interaction the biofield of man enters into resonance with the life force field of …
November 2017, Your Complete Horoscope: A Time Of Transformations And Transitions
by Katy Connelly What does our November 2017 horoscope have in store for you? November 2017 Horoscope: It’s that time of month again ladies: Your November 2017 horoscope has been revealed! All …
9 Amazing Ways To Take Your Spiritual Love Connection Up A Notch
by Conscious Reminder Maintaining a constant bond of love is very difficult even if the partners happen to be the twin flames. There are always some secondary issues which flare …
Something Extraordinary Is Happening In The World, And Most People Haven’t Noticed
by Conscious Reminder Let’s make one thing clear before we start! The fact that you are reading this, even if you ran into this article by ‘accident’ (accidents and coincidences …
© Ray Baars, 2001 Traditionally within Chinese medicine, the health of a patient is defined as a balance of the body’s yin and yang. These two terms relate to the …
by Conscious Reminder There’s a reason best friends are so close to us—a reason that they seem godsend and a reason that they feel like the people you are most comfortable …
How Each of the Zodiac Signs Handles a Broken Heart
by Conscious Reminder Different people react in different ways to heartbreak. Some find it easy to put themselves back together in a short time and move on, while others wallow in …
Why Twin Flames Experience Their Divine Connection Through The Heart Chakra
by Conscious Reminder The heart chakra, or Anahata in its original Sanskrit name, colors our life with compassion, love, and beauty. Driven by the principles of transformation and integration, the fourth energy center …
Intense Energies Will Be Sweeping The Planet Until The End Of October
by Conscious Reminder There is a chance you have been feeling very agitated lately with no real reason for your restlessness. If so, it means that you are sensitive to …
12 Step Samhain Ritual October-November 2017 – Celebrating The Eternal Part Of Life
by Tanaaz Samhain or Halloween is all about celebrating the eternal part of life, the never ending cycle of death and rebirth that we all follow. It is also a …