Every part of your body has its own consciousness…its own soul, and if you understand this, you can heal yourself. Spoken by indigenous medicine women, these transformative words began many …
Quantum Mechanics Reveals How We Are All Truly Connected
‘I am saddened by how people treat one another and how we are so shut off from one another and how we judge one another, when the truth is, we …
Compare Your Dreams To The 6 Most Common Dream Types And See Which Group They Fall Into
by Conscious Reminder Some of us don’t recall our dreams but the truth is that we all dream. Some dreams are clear and etched while others are fleeting and confusing. …
by Sarah Voldeng Soul Mates. Soul Reminders. Soul Connections. We hear about it, read about it and some of us are lucky enough to experience it. We are all curious and most …
by Purusha, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder We’re living in an ever-changing world that is getting stranger and stranger. It’s important to ground ourselves internally to cope with all the fluctuations in …
by Conscious Reminder You might not know me but I’ve been with you ever since you were born and I will never leave you, even after death, for I am your …
by RJ Spina Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder Karma is a term that has been used by many civilizations to explain or rationalize, in the of simplest terms, the notion of …
Your Spirit Guide May Contact You In Each One Of These 4 Situations
by Conscious Reminder We all have spirit guides and guardian angels around us. They protect and take care of us as much as they can. They also guide us and …
23 Strange Human Emotions That People Feel but Find Difficult to Explain
by Conscious Reminder Well, isn’t it difficult to talk about emotions? And it is not like we cannot talk about emotions but the fact that sometimes we cannot describe the emotions …
10 Essential Traits Every Empath Must Manage Or They Will Needlessly Suffer
Empaths are basically people who feel the world too much. They have a heightened empathy and a hyper perception of emotions, no matter if they are conscious of this or …