by Conscious Reminder It is the time when either of the two occasions in the year happen: when the Sun is directly above either the furthest point north or the …
Our human body is made up of five layers of energy. The foremost layer is the physical form – the layer which we can feel and touch, and see it’s …
by Conscious Reminder At least once in our lifetime, we will most definitely experience awakening. When I myself experienced my own awakening, I began to notice others too who were …
by Conscious Reminder The concept of Twin Flames is not as simple as it seems. When Twin Souls find and recognize each other in the Earth plane, they trigger a …
by Tanaaz There is a stillness and a peace in the early morning which is unlike any other hour of the day. Between the time of 5am-6am there is a …
by Athena Melchizedek Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder So much has been written about Presence and Embodiment but very little around the actual personal process that is required to become a fully Present …
by Conscious Reminder Have you met your Higher Self? Have you even tried to reconnect with it? Yes, we have reached a point of time where all of us are …
by Conscious Reminder Spiritual adulthood comes when you have diligently practiced introspection and discipline. This is the kind of wisdom that can help us see beyond material happiness. Not many …
Powerful Shamanistic Divination! Ask For Advice And Let The Ancient Energies Work!
Several millennia ago, before the beginning of all religions, when humanity was still young and lived in tribes in difficult situations, people always turned to the most wise man of …
Our bodies are composed of the minerals of the Earth such as carbon, iron, calcium, phosphorous, sodium, oxygen and hydrogen. By utilizing stones containing these elements living within us, we …