by Conscious Reminder Do you know that entities can have a strong influence when it comes to keeping you far away from other people, experiences, or information that may enlighten and …
Truth & Mystery
By Linda Tint Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder You feel tired and a little bit empty? It can be not due to weather or health, but because of presence of a …
Hearing these frequencies is something beyond ordinary perception and comes as a result of a heightened spiritual awareness. If you are on the path of spiritual growth and you start …
by Conscious Reminder We have got used to the word ‘witch’. Before Harry Potter came to our lives, ‘witch’ was commonly used to refer to an evil woman. But do we …
You’ve probably experienced déjà vu at least once in your life, and wondered, “What just happened to me?” Déjà Vu literally means “already seen” in French, and occurs when we …
Gerd Gigerenzer, a director at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development argues that intuition is now less about “knowing” the right answer and much more about understanding through instinct …
by Conscious Reminder When we lose our loved one, we usually face a lot of questions which we would like to know the answers of, and we typically get devastated. While …
I still find it somewhat amusing that we’re waiting for “Disclosure” — that some report or particular evidence would hit the mainstream to convince us of what we already know. …
Shocking Evidence Showing That Ancient India Was The Source Of Ancient Egyptian Civilization.
The Hindu dharma began as a civilization than the ‘dharma’ itself. Nowadays, the world’s political nature has curved the real meaning of the Hindu dharma. But, there are no present-day …
6 Clear Signs You Have Had Past Lives And Been Reincarnated Many Times Before
by Conscious Reminder Reincarnation means rebirth. In fact, reincarnation is defined as a belief that when people die, their souls continue on after their death, and start their new lives once …