by Conscious Reminder Twin flames have one soul divided into two bodies. The twin flame theory seems like a fairy tale in which you find a prince or princess and then …
by Conscious Reminder Are you trying to manifest something in your life? Are you having any trouble in attracting what you desire? Maybe, you are going in the wrong direction. …
By Hillary Dahl Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder Have you heard the phrase ‘when the student is ready the teacher will appear’, the teacher has arrived. So the title of this blog …
by Conscious Reminder In the mineral world, red jasper is classified in the Chalcedony family. It has the same vitreous sheen and opaque transparency as quartz. Green, black, yellow, orange, blue, …
by Conscious Reminder Karma is all around us. Whether we choose to believe it or not doesn’t really factor in the end, for we simply can’t ignore it. After all, everyone …
Current Ascension Symptom ~ Heightened Ringing In The Ears And More
Many people have reported an increase in what the medical profession calls tinnitus ringing sounds and buzzing sounds in the Ear or both ears. Then others have reported pain in …
Feeling Like Letting Go Of Your Twin Flame? Here’s What To Do
by Conscious Reminder Ups and downs are part of every relationship but what to do when you feel like absolutely giving up on your Twin Flame? We are here to …
by Conscious Reminder An energy vampire is a person who feeds off your emotional, or psychic energy. People who display energy vampire traits generally lack empathy, sensitivity, and emotional maturity. As …
by Conscious Reminder Our Cosmos is a mystery that we have yet to decipher. To make our life on earth more fruitful and meaningful, there are always happenings, and signs to …
by Conscious Reminder This year’s Halloween is especially potent astrologically since the First Quarter moon in Aquarius falls the day after Halloween. As of October 31st, our sun in Scorpio and …