by Conscious Reminder New beginnings will definitely follow the 2021 March New Moon, scheduled on 13th March. This New Moon will usher in a fresh start, bring closure, and end …
by Conscious Reminder Synchronicity is actually a trading word these days. So what does it mean? Synchronicities are said to be the most popular, playful method in which our Universe …
by Devesh Nath, Contributing Author, Conscious Reminder Soul and Body are two different parts of human being. Soul being immortal; infinite energy while Body is destroyable and finite substance. According to …
by Conscious Reminder The New Moon in Pisces is scheduled for 13th March 2021 and will send poetic waves to the celestial skies. There will be ethereal and soft energy …
Mirrored Souls: Twin Flame Energetic Traits Manifest As Physical Similarities
by Conscious Reminder Twin flames are individuals that have numerous things in common. In order the journey of twin flames to work properly, they need to share some similar personality traits, …
by Conscious Reminder Scientists have successfully managed to capture a photo of the glow-in-the-dark shark that produces a light of its own. Dalatias Licha is a kitefin shark which is …
You See What Others Can’t: 8 Signs That You Are Highly Sensitive To Energy
by Conscious Reminder Every day, more and more people realize that they fall in the category of people with empathy — people highly sensitive to energy and emotions coming from their …
Empaths Feel Emotions, But Can They Feel Spirits Emotions Too?
by Conscious Reminder An empath knows what it feels like to be able to feel other people’s emotions. Usually, empaths notice changes in the mood, realizing that they may be experiencing …
by Conscious Reminder Irrespective of your faith or belief, your spiritual guides are sending messages to you. Amongst all the spiritual guides, the guardian angels serve the most important function …
Trend Alert: Mood-Boosting Gemstone Countertops Do Exist And You’ll Want One When You See Them
by Conscious Reminder Countertops are very important kitchen elements. If you ever wanted to have some specific things which will be fantastic and which will bring you positive energies, colored with …