Home Consciousness This Is How The Pisces New Moon Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

This Is How The Pisces New Moon Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign

by consciousreminder
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 by Conscious Reminder

New beginnings will definitely follow the 2021 March New Moon, scheduled on 13th March. This New Moon will usher in a fresh start, bring closure, and end the ongoing cycle.

The lunar resetting will happen in the Pisces realm and will mark the peak energy of the 2021 Pisces season.

All the zodiac signs will be overwhelmed with sentimentality and imagination owing to the strong cosmic stellium. The intimacy among Venus, Neptune, Sun, and Moon will amplify dreaminess, romanticism, and idealism.

We have compiled the horoscopes for the 2021 March New Moon.

Aries (21st March-19th April)

Aries must focus on spirituality to feel the connection with the transcendental features of life. You can try participating in religious services, crystal-reading rituals, or just retreat into nature. This will reinforce your mystical connection.

Taurus (20th April-20th May)

Taurus will find their altruistic aspect by engaging in social issues that are close to their heart. Volunteer in social activism and practice random charitable acts that will trigger a positive domino effect in people around you.

Gemini (21st May-20th June)

Gemini must reflect on their professional dreams in this lunation. This time is perfect for making future choices and showing your creative strides. Work towards your dream job and capitalize on the energy of this new moon.

Cancer (21st June-22nd July)

This lunation has unfathomable possibilities so Cancer must let their imagination go wild and allow themselves to visualize difficult dreams and goals like world tour or astral projects. Stop thinking logically and trust your instincts to watch unimaginable things happen.

Leo (23rd July-22nd August)

Leo will be on a journey of self-transformation and exploration deep within. So surround yourself with trusted people who will enable self-confidence. Bare your darker side and reveal your soul to seek your authentic self.

Virgo (23rd August-22nd September)

This Pisces lunation will start new relationships for Virgo by giving an opportunity to find love and create deep connections. So open up and trust your intuition with others. Your relationship will transcend and flourish positively.

Libra (23rd September-22nd October)

Libra will require self-care instead of re-doing their to-do list. This lunation will bring the chance to pamper yourself, show creativity, and balance work and personal life for better mental health.

Scorpio (23rd October-21st November)

Scorpio is experiencing good days and this lunation energy will drive your passion for new projects, creative tasks, or romantic ventures. This is the ideal time to let inspiration take over you.

Sagittarius (22nd November-21st December)

Sagittarius must face their past to make their future better. Let go of the past burden and let this new moon energy heal your wounds. Let bygones be bygones and feel at liberty.

Capricorn (22nd December-19th January)

The Pisces sentimentality will bring out the emotional side of Capricorn. Break the walls and overcome the stoic nature to reveal your vulnerable aspects. This will help in making strong connections and opening up to people in your life.

Aquarius (20th January-18th February)

This lunation will bring challenges to balance your heart and mind, so Aquarius must try to truly feel each emotion rather than conceptualizing them in the head. You can try learning body language that will develop emotional understanding.

Pisces (19th February-20th March)

With the approaching end to Pisces season, you will shift from sentimentality to professionalism. This phase will be inspired by your desires, values, and dreams to work harder to materialize them. So be authentic and keep evolving.

Parting Words

As the cycle is about to conclude, all the zodiac signs will feel a powerful rush of emotions that will help them reset for the future and get prepared for the future run.

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