by Conscious Reminder Humans have been using precious stones to heal and other talismans to bring them good luck for as long as they have been around on the planet. …
The Hidden Super Power Each Zodiac Sign Has (And Should Channel More Often)
We all have a superpower we keep hidden from the world. Probably because we don’t even realize that it’s actually a special gift that few people have. Here’s yours: # …
The number of people who struggle with stress and anxiety is constantly increasing. This is due to the stressful lifestyles as well as the advanced technology which emits positive ions …
How The April Pink Full Moon In Scorpio Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign
Although the upcoming Pink Moon might not actually be pink (*gasp*), you better believe that the energy surrounding April’s full Pink Moon at the end of the month is as …
The process of spiritual awakening can be a very unsettling one for our physical bodies. This is because our body is suddenly experiencing a massive intake of energy which is …
The Lyrid Meteor Shower Peaks This Weekend — TONIGHT Is The Best Time To Witness The Dazzling Display
If you love star gazing, be prepared for a shower of meteors that is one of the earliest known to astronomers. The Lyrid shower occurs in April every year and …
Is Spiritual Growth Causing Your Headaches And Migraines?
by Conscious Reminder Spiritual energy is everywhere and it impacts our lives in a variety of ways. They can also be the reason behind things like serious and persistent headaches. …
The White Cat Symbolism: This Is What the White Feline Represents
by Conscious Reminder A symbol of all things pure and clear, the color white has been revered by many. Similarly, white cats are also symbols of joy, integrity, and luck. …
The term Magick, with the added k, was created by the very controversial Aleister Crowley. Despite the drama,strange hat wearing and fuss over his life and career, Crowley was a …
This April’s Lyrid Meteor Shower Is Peaking Tonight And Would Be The Best Thing You Have Seen All Year
by Conscious Reminder The Lyrid shower has already started, and it would last from the 16th of April to the 25th of this month. It is an annual event and this …