by Conscious Reminder The life in the physical form of human body is soul. The reality and explanation of soul is the most discussed yet unanswered mystery of philosophy. Spiritualism though …
by Conscious Reminder Every one of us had the time in his or her life when he or she felt down or had a lack of inspiration. Every one of us …
When Your Soul Is Crying: 5 Showing Signs That Life Is Smothering You
by Conscious Reminder Time will come when you realize that your life has changed and that would be the moment when you start growing as a person. Sometimes, growth brings upon …
by Conscious Reminder The Soul Is Always Waiting… Whenever you make a choice on this planet that affects your soul negatively, you will be aware of it because you will feel …
by Conscious Reminder Since my awakening I have never believed in concepts, I would question it and want the truth, its in my nature to know the whole truth, which the …
Don’t Overcrowd Your Life With People – Those With A “SOUL” Are Enough
by Conscious Reminder “People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason why the world is in chaos is because things are being loved and …
Next Time You Experience An Energetically Strong Connection With A Soul, Ask Yourself This!
by Conscious Reminder Through life, we all eventually come across several people who fit our energetic blueprint perfectly. Falling in love happens quickly and easily; it’s just a hormonal imbalance happening in …
Survival Of The Soul: Do You Believe There Is Life After Death?
by Conscious Reminder This article looks deep into the idea of existence of spirit after our death. Since ancient times, humans have without any question agreed to the existence of …
Your Soul Is Warning You: These Are the Signs That It’s Getting Tired
by Conscious Reminder Most of us believe exhaustion to be something that our body is dealing with. There are mostly physical manifestations of it. We feel sleepy, we can’t work …
by Conscious Reminder Do you want to know whether you have been a part of this world in the past? Do you want to understand yourself completely? If yes, then you …