by Conscious Reminder There’s an intrinsic difference between a dog and a cat and how they choose their owners. A dog would happily adapt to its owner, but a cat will …
Spiritual Significance
by Conscious Reminder Time does not really exist, if you think about it – not as a linear progression at least. Shocked? Well, when we are stuck in the earthly …
Today Is February 22 — Here Is The Spiritual Significance Of The Most Momentous Point Of The Year!
Making your point on the world can be a scary thing. To take that first, brave step out of the box, away from the comfort zones of ordinary, everyday life …
by Conscious Reminder Numerical patterns and sequences actually hold significant spiritual energies and powers in different regards. You have probably heard about making wishes at the 11:11 pattern. So, similar to …
by Tanaaz | Forever Conscious On the 12th day of the 12th month of the year, a powerful numerology code is activated helping to raise the frequency of our light …
Spiritual Significance Of November 11, 2018: Powerful Manifesting Energies
by Conscious Reminder From a numerological point of view, 11 is so-called a Master Number, and it actually holds an extraordinarily creative and powerful vibration, which permits purposes, wishes, and …
Spiritual Significance Of Halloween. What’s The Real Meaning Of All Hallows Eve?
Spiritual Halloween. What’s the Real Meaning of All Hallows Eve? With just a short stroll through any grocery store in October, you’ll be quick to realize what one of the …
by Conscious Reminder Very common white horror movie trope: lights flickering, doors banging, and things crashing. We all associate them with horror, ghosts, and ghouls thanks to Scooby Doo and so …
The Spiritual Significance Of The Fall Equinox And Ways To Celebrate It
by Conscious Reminder This weekend, ie September 22nd/23rd, 2018 is the fall equinox which indicates that autumn has officially begun. For those in the south, it is the vernal equinox …
Spiritual Significance Of 11:11 And How It’s Connected With Twin Flames
The time 11:11 has been proved to be extremely compelling and effective day and time for unearthly and spiritual incitement of the 7 chakras like crown, third eye, heart, solar, …