Home Consciousness Today Is February 22 — Here Is The Spiritual Significance Of The Most Momentous Point Of The Year!

Today Is February 22 — Here Is The Spiritual Significance Of The Most Momentous Point Of The Year!

by consciousreminder
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Making your point on the world can be a scary thing. To take that first, brave step out of the box, away from the comfort zones of ordinary, everyday life and do that thing which will make your heart sing.

Sometimes, it can be a lot easier to sit tight, to do what you have always done, and pretend the yearning for more does not exist.

Except it does and it will not go away.

Your spiritual allies.

And usually, it is around this time that you are going to realize that you are not making this journey alone. You also have a whole flock of Spiritual Allies surrounding you. Guides and angels and ancestor and totems who are determined not to let you forget what you came here to do.

Our Spirit Guides communicate with us in different ways we will listen. For many living and working in this modern, as well as digital world, repeating numbers are making us sit up and take note.

What happens when you see repeating 1s…

Repeating 1s (111, 11:11) has become an anchor for a lot in the conscious community. They also tell us about the power of thought, prompting us to make a wish and then give gratitude for what we have, showing the first, delicate seeds of manifestation.

But, this can also be the easy bit. Setting intentions is safe, as well as secure and does not require us to be seen in the world or also take a lot of risks.

What happens when you will see repeating 2s…

Repeating 2s (222, 22:22) lift us up to the next level. The two is also the first of the feminine numbers, holding the frequency of the mother archetype and its nurturing, as well as sensitive and strongly collaborative qualities.

This archetype cannot exist in isolation — without the child, the role of a mother is unfulfilled. It is also the same as the number 2. Without the birth of the desire, as well as intention, idea, project or task, out into the world, the vibration of the two cannot manifest either. It needs something to nurture.

When you see repeating 2s, you are also being encouraged to give birth. To release your intention, to externalize it and to start nurturing its existence in the big wide world.

It is a sign that you need to make that phone call. To write that email and take the inspired action which will shape your desire into being.

So, when you see repeating 2s, it will be better for you to get ready to act.

It is not always an easy process. Change is always going to create some feelings of instability. The number 2 will always be on a lifetime search for balance. But, what is worth remembering is that balance is not static.

Balance can only be achieved through a constant series of micro-adjustments. Another function of the number 2 that will appear is to remind you that what may feel like radical instability is the opportunity to realign, as well as re-adjust.

It is just by moving through the discomfort that you are going to reach your new and enhanced level of normal.

This also means that repeating 2s carry with them a huge lesson in self-trust. When you see such numbers, it is a signal that you have to dig deep and call on the trust which resides within, as you are the one steering the ship, and nobody else can do the work which you are being called to do.

Repeating 2s is a message which tells that it is the time to be your nurturing mother.

As well as the time to cultivate and take care of yourself and your wants as a priority. So, if your focus is being drawn somewhere else and your energy is also scattered currently, you are now being asked to pull it all back into the center. Only from this place of inner strength and poise, can you truly express your work out into the world?

Through this actualization and the manifest expression of our human journey, we can learn our soul lessons. It is a sure sign which shows that you are heading in the right direction, so keep going.

Do you keep seeing repeating numbers?

It is the archetype of the number 2 that shows up in your life at the moment?

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