Home Consciousness Gaslighting: Reasons Why Women Choose To Stay In Abusive Relationships

Gaslighting: Reasons Why Women Choose To Stay In Abusive Relationships

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

It seems weird at first to think, ‘why women stay in abusive relationships’, but one who has been in such situations understands exactly what goes on.

However, in certain instances, we can attribute the continuation of abusive relationships to gaslighting, where women fail to recognize their manipulation.

It is important to keep in mind that when we talk about abusive relationships, we are talking about much more than physical abuse (which may or may not be a part of abuse).

Due to its deceptive nature, gaslighting is not talked about much, even though it is quite common. And add to it the difficulty of identifying ‘Gaslighting’. At times, it can be incredibly challenging to discern whether you are experiencing gaslighting or not.

By reading this article, you’ll be able to tell if this is happening to you or not.

1. The victim usually doesn’t know if they are being gaslighted or not.

Gaslighting involves psychological abuse, which makes the person believe that whatever goes wrong in the relationship is their fault. It shatters their self-esteem and sense of reality.

2. Decrease in self-esteem

The partner may repeatedly inform the person that they overreact to everything and, as a result, suffer from an emotional imbalance-related medical condition.

3. Another sign is manipulation by way of insecurities.

The other person repeats past incidents over and over to create a sense of insecurity.

4. Reality becomes genuinely uncertain.

After years of abuse, the victim fails to distinguish between reality and the stamped version of the world. Thus, they end up hating themselves.

5. The victim loves the abuser despite the abuse.

This is a sign that the abuse has been normalized by the abuser and thus will continue indefinitely.

6. Cyclic pattern, which keeps the victim trapped

The abuser tells the victim that they are going to change and there will not be another chance to complain. This promise comes only with the threat of separation, and the abuser will come back to the same old habits very soon.

It is usually futile to argue with the victim about their status, as they are unable to see it. The information provided above can thus provide a chance for the victim to understand the situation better.

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