Home Consciousness Who Are The Sirians, The People From The Blue Star?

Who Are The Sirians, The People From The Blue Star?

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The ones who have originated from the Sirius planet have the distinguishing characteristic of being very intensive and strong-minded.

They adhere to the direction they decide to move in at a particular span of time in their lives.

Once they believe in something, first it is not easy to change their minds, and second, if they do, they stick to the new direction they take and follow it relentlessly, leaving behind the previous one. Sirians are principled, disciplined, and virtuous.

When it comes to being a friend, they are the best anyone could have. Loyalty and honesty are what they offer in a relationship and expect in return.

They are excellent at hiding their emotions and dealing with them. But if they do open up to you, it signifies they have thoroughly examined you.

By bringing a certain level of respect and understanding to the table, they raise the bar for acceptance, and if their expectations are not met, problems may occur due to misunderstandings and miscommunications.

Sirians are pragmatic beings. While they plan their future responsibly, they tend to avoid sentiments from the past. The unresolved issues can make them run away from confrontations, and their bottled-up emotions need an outlet.

Although they don’t lose their temper easily, they can very well defend their beliefs with logic and strong reasoning.

A deep sense of humor is another exceptional characteristic all the Sirians have that plays at best when they feel comfortable and are around the close ones.

One shouldn’t confuse the presence of an active life within themselves with absent-mindedness, as it is because of their inner activities that they are unconscious about unimportant things at times.

It is possible that during their childhood they suffered from attention span issues.

If you want them to learn faster, illustrations and pictorial descriptions are most relevant to them.

They learn most effectively when they are allowed the freedom to explore on their own. They are capable of identifying what does not interest them and moving on to the next topic.

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