Home Consciousness Archangels: The Wings Of The Universe

Archangels: The Wings Of The Universe

by consciousreminder
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Our teachers, guardians and friends

Archangels are extraordinary beings, extensions of God himself, personifying his grace and majesty and power. All the archangels are healers. They come as master surgeons to repair our bodies, even as they mend the garments of our souls. There is no field of study in which they do not excel. With the Elohim, they exercise the power to create or uncreate life.

The title “archangel” was given to those who became masters of their worlds “as Above, so below” and that of “archeia” to their feminine complements. In order to earn this office, many who are now archangels had to embody in human form, experiencing the same tests as the sons and daughters of God. However, there were some who remained in the heaven-world and never took embodiment in the physical octave.

The Seven Archangels

  1. Archangel Michael & Faithmichael

Michael is the archangel of the first ray of protection, faith and the will of God. He is the
Prince of the Archangels and of the Angelic Hosts, the Defender of the Faith, the Angel of Deliverance and his divine complement is Archeia Faith.

Archangel Michael and his legions daily descend into the astral plane fully arrayed in their mighty blue armor, carrying their shields and swords of blue flame. There they cut free those who have passed from the screen of life and who are unable to rise to higher octaves of service and the retreats of the masters. He and his angels of deliverance work twenty-four hours a day on these levels rescuing souls from the accumulation of their own human creation over the centuries and also from the projections of the dark ones. They have served there for many ages, and Michael says that he is determined to never give up until the last child of light on this planet has risen to the God Source in the ritual of the ascension.

2. Archangel Jophiel & Christine

Archangel Jophiel and Christine are the archangel and archeia of the second ray of wisdom and illumination. These twin flames amplify the Christ consciousness within angels, elementals and men.

Archangel Jophiel is specifically concerned about the deplorable state of education. His angels are relentless in their warfare against ignorance, mental density and mediocrity as these affect the minds of educators and students and lower school standards. Jophiel will teach you how you can commune with the mind of God and experience self-knowledge.

3. Archangel Chamuel & Charity

Archangel Chamuel and his divine complement, Archeia Charity, serve on the third ray of divine love. Together with their legions of pink-flame angels, they work to expand the flame of adoration and divine love within the hearts of men and elementals.

Together with their legions of pink-flame angels, Chamuel and Charity serve to expand the flame of adoration and divine love within the hearts of men and elementals.

4. Archangel Gabriel & Hopeimages

Archangel Gabriel and Hope are archangel and archeia of the fourth ray of the resurrection and the ascension flame. Together with the angels of purity and the seraphim, these twin flames guard the immaculate concept of the God design for every man, woman and child upon the planet. He is the angel who typically serves as a messenger sent from God to certain people.

5. Archangel Raphael & Mother Mary – The Healer and Patron of Travelers

Archangel Raphael is the archangel of the fifth ray of truth, wholeness, healing, science, precipitation, the abundant life, music and mathematics. His divine complement is the Archeia Mary, who was embodied as Mary, the Mother of Jesus.

6. Archangel Uriel & Aurora

Archangel Uriel and Aurora are the archangels of the sixth ray of ministration and service. In their ministrations, they guard the dawn of the Christ consciousness in mankind and elemental life.

The sixth ray is also the ray of peace, and Uriel and Aurora keep the flame of peace for mankind until they are able to invoke it for themselves. These angels prepare the way for the unfoldment of the light of God within each soul. Aurora carries the Mother feeling of peace and love to all mankind. Hers is the assurance that always flows from a mother’s love—all is well, “the dawn is coming.”

7. Archangel Zadkiel & Holy Amethyst

Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst are the archangels of the seventh ray. Together with the violet-flame angels, they embody the violet ray qualities of God’s freedom, alchemy, transmutation, forgiveness and justice.



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