Home Consciousness 7 Surprising Things You Didn’t Know About Karma

7 Surprising Things You Didn’t Know About Karma

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Even though a spiritual principle, karma is also considered a universal law that has been described by Newton and called the Law of Action and Reaction.

Just like its name implies—Sanskrit: deed or action—it is actually the reaction to everything we already did, thought, or also felt.

How does it actually work?

Throughout these thousands or more years in which we are living in this or some other realm, we activate a lot of events, such as chain reactions. So, every breathing, acting, thinking, or feeling moment causes some changes in the physical and astral planes. Later on, that change of energies is going to be transformed into the actual events that are going to become a reality for us.

In fact, what we call reality right now is simply the result of every action, thought, prayer, or curse from our past and even our present lives.

These are some of the best and most valuable things that people may not know about Karmic Law:

1. Karma exists to prevent people from suffering in the future.

The Karmic Law is not to punish people; it is to judge. In fact, karma isn’t a separate entity (such as a belief system in some religions) that weighs people’s actions, whether to give them rewards or punish them. It is the mechanism whose source is the Spirit within them. They are just a part of it.

2. Karma’s purpose is to free people from this plane of existence.

Every suffering, reward, and challenge exists to teach people the right way. The Karmic Law also exists to help them evolve as well as ensure they are independent of this realm.

3. Just the smallest effort always counts.

People should not feel disappointed when they feel that they are somewhere at the ocean’s bottom. Just a small effort can actually help them change such a chain reaction. Even a small change of the mind is quite enough when it comes to giving them everything they crave.

4. Scientific proofs about karma also exist.

When a person does something good, it affects his or her brain. In fact, doing good will stimulate positive retribution, which can not only heal the individual but also have incredible effects on their lives.

5. Karma cleansing can also be boosted.

One ancient Vedic spell for boosting karma cleansing exists, and it also signifies that a person needs some change in his or her life. It unbinds himself or herself from the dark magic powers that they probably conjured unintentionally or intentionally.

6. Comprehending karma will help in releasing anger.

When a person finally understands that approximately everything that happens is actually caused by the actions and thoughts of human beings, it makes them responsible. So, without that knowledge, people will be lost in the Hell of ignorance, anger, and hatred, which are caused by their misery. Comprehending the Karmic Law will release people from that pain and put them on the driving seat too.

7. Karma may be changed at any time.

When a person finally understands that he or she is the only one responsible for their past, future, or present, it gives them the chance to change that. Sure, there is no need to change right now, but at a certain point, they are going to make the needed move. They just have to take their time and plan what they want. There will be no limit on time.

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