Home Consciousness Clearing The Attachments To Past Relationships

Clearing The Attachments To Past Relationships

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

It is crucial for us to acknowledge that the pain from our past relationships will persist for a considerable amount of time. It is like a wound that sometimes leaks, hurts, and itches. 

We cannot delete the past; we can only accept it and make it part of our strength.

Therefore, don’t fight the “ex,”  don’t try to forget them, don’t try to get rid of them, and don’t try to delete them from your memory.

Remember them; give them a place in your life; they were there; they influenced your day-to-day situations; they gave you important realizations and life experiences; and that’s not something small.

After all, this world is our stage, and we have called them ourselves for a reason—maybe to teach us a lesson. We cannot deny or ignore teachers because we are bad students.

Let’s break the illusion that we need to forget our ex’s in order to finally start a happy life.

A strong person is not the one who was able to forget and erase everything from their past, but the one who remembers and lives in peace with every decision they have made, and chooses happiness and healthy relationships every day!

Stronger is the acceptance, not the rejection.

A life without ups and downs, or a relationship without hurdles, is an illusion. Even in the most successful marriages, there are many obstacles, tests, and lessons.

There are only more warm moments, more maturity, more attention, and more love.

The more mature and complete we feel, the more successful our relationships will become.

It is critical to leave destructive and toxic relationships, and it is even more important to find a new focus of attention and divert our energy towards acceptance rather than rejection.

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