Home Consciousness If Life Throws You To The Ground, These 5 Things Will Help You Restore Your Faith In Magic

If Life Throws You To The Ground, These 5 Things Will Help You Restore Your Faith In Magic

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

There are times when magic isn’t perfect at all, and it’s not beautiful either. Living life with magic and practicing magic is some kind of art; it is the way we look at things and the way we bring some light into the darkness.

For example, when we are practicing some things, such as spells, manifestations, rituals, or simply trying to spend our everyday lives sparkling, we have to remember that action and faith are always the forces that guide us, even at times when nothing is going according to our plans.

Many individuals wonder how they can restore their faith in magic when everything in their lives appears overwhelming, shrouded in uncertainty, and devoid of any sense of magic. We have all experienced such things. We spent hours and hours wondering where our magic had disappeared and why our dreams had not become a reality.

But how can we rekindle our magic and start believing in it once again?

1. We have to remember that tragedy holds some beauty, that there is light in the dark corners, or that we can find gifts even in the hardest situations.

Just as things look like they are not going our way, we have to believe in the entire journey. We have to keep dreaming, believing, and opening our palms in order to receive.

2. We should look at our lives as pieces of art.

We should look at our lives as a piece of art, even in some ugly parts. When we look longer, we may see all the beauty in them too, because when we look for a couple of seconds, we cannot see that beauty immediately.

3. Connecting with our highest selves, our divine spark.

Our highest selves know what we actually need more than anything or anyone else. However, when we disconnect from it, things may go awry, or life may feel like a mess. We may have everything we thought we wanted, but we will still feel disappointed, sad, or angry. When our ego runs the show, we will not feel fulfilled. When some things don’t feel quite right, we will feel weak and lost, just like everything we do does not work, so we should tap into our highest self-esteem and listen to everything they say.

4. We should not push too much or too hard.

There will be times when our lives require us to relieve ourselves and keep going with the flow. So, when things get hard and muddy and we cannot walk through them, we have to close our eyes and then imagine ourselves floating down into the calm river. We should let our muscles and bones relax in the water. Then, we should let our spirit refresh itself, as we will let go and trust that this river is going to take us where we have to be.

5. We have to keep in mind that magic consists of small details.

It will not always be a momentous occasion or an in-your-face spectacle. The magic can be the little violet butterfly, the first sip of coffee in the morning, or some intentions we set on a daily basis. Magic is created by everyday things, which include us too. We are that cosmos that whirls and twirls in infinite time and space. 

When we are not able to see magic from the outside, we should look carefully for it from the inside. That is where everything begins. We are magic, and our lives are also magic. Nothing, and no one, has the ability to take it away from us.

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