Home Consciousness Owning A Cat — Scientifically Proven To Be Good For Your Health

Owning A Cat — Scientifically Proven To Be Good For Your Health

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The cat is a furry, cute, fun, as well as an independent animal to watch. Also, there are some benefits proven by science which say that owning a cat will be good for the person’s overall health and well-being.

These are some of the benefits you can gain if you are a cat owner:

Lowered risks of heart diseases.

The risks of heart diseases will be lowered as there will also be lower stress levels. Some studies proved that being a cat owner will lower your risk of different heart disease problems, which include stroke.

According to one such study, a person that owns a cat has 30% fewer chances to die from stroke or heart attack than those that don’t own. Even though there is still the question if that is because of the cat or because often calmer individuals are the ones that love to own a cat.

Purring has a therapeutic healing ability on the human muscles or bones.

Despite the fact that purring is considered as one of the best and most comforting sounds in the whole world, it was also connected with some therapeutic ability of healing on the human muscles and bones for a long time.

According to some studies, the frequencies in 18 and 35HZ range actually have some positive effects on the joint mobility at a time after some injury.

The purr of a cat also creates some positive vibrations at frequencies of 20 to 140HZ, hence placing the noise within the area of healing.

People will have a better sleep in the presence of a cat.

According to a few studies, people will have quite improved sleep in the presence of a cat, instead of another human companion. And not just that, but they prefer that. Such findings have been confirmed by the Mayo Clinic Center for Sleep Medicine.

According to it, about 41% of the people claimed that they had a better sleep as a result of the pet they own, and just 20% of them said that it often leads to some disturbances.

When a man owns a cat, a woman will feel more attracted to him.

According to certain researches which were conducted by Dr. June McNicholas, who is also a lead pet researcher, when a man owns a cat, a woman will feel more attracted to him.

A huge 90% of those women that are single perceived men owning cats or some other pets nicer, as well as more caring, instead of the ones that don’t own any.

Triggering the release of some calming chemicals.

When a person has a cat in his or her presence, it is going to activate the releasing of some calming or relaxing chemicals in their body, which will lower anxiety and stress levels.

So, petting is considered to have to relax and also calming effects.

A smaller possibility of allergies in children below one year.

The National Institutes of Health has released one study in 2002 which has discovered that those kids that are under the age of one, and who were also exposed to cats, have a smaller possibility of developing different types of allergies.

This exposure to pet early in their life will protect them against not just allergies to pets, but a lot of other kinds of frequent allergies like the ones to mites, dust, grass or ragweed.

Watching cat videos will make you happy.

The simple act of watching cat videos will make you feel more satisfied and happier.

One study which included more than 7,000 participants, conducted by the Indiana University Bloomington, has discovered that simply watching videos of cats is going to boost the energy, as well as positive feelings and emotions of viewers, while also decreasing the negative ones.

When a person owns a cat, it is excellent for the entire environment.

If you own a cat, it means that it is quite better for your environment. One study from 2008 has discovered that all the resources which are needed to feed one dog during his lifetime will create similar eco-footprint just like those of a Land Cruiser.

On the other hand, cats eat less, so they have such the approximate carbon footprint of a smaller hatchback.

Helping people to cope with some loss.

When a person owns a cat, it is going to help him or her cope better with some loss, as well as recover for a short time from it. They are like some type of social support at hard times.

A person can simply talk to eat more easily than with someone else, and tell his or her cat everything as it will never respond or even judge him as humans do.

Those that own cats are smart individuals.

Most often, those that own cats are smart individuals. In fact, it is not actually the cat which makes them smarter, but it is because those people work for longer periods of time, and as cats do not require a lot of attention as dogs do, they are an excellent choice for busy people.

Fulfilling the need of a companion.

Cats will simply fulfill the person’s need of companionship, as one Austrian research from 2003 discovered. According to it, owning a pet, often cats, in your home is actually an emotional equivalent to an emotional partner.

Cats save lives.

Cats are also well-known for saving lives. So, having an animal which can actually save your life in a certain situation may come in handy.

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