Home Consciousness Mars In Leo (May to July) Will Turn Up The Heat For Everyone

Mars In Leo (May to July) Will Turn Up The Heat For Everyone

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Turn up the heat!

Mars, the action planet, will be in fiery Leo from May 20 to July 10. Because the planet Mars and the zodiac sign Leo encourage us to find pleasure and enjoyment in everything we do, this should be a joyous time that encourages us to express ourselves in colorful and flamboyant ways. As we assert ourselves in the most dramatic way, our desires and passions will take center stage. After all, Leo’s motto is “go big or go home,” and Mars fuels the fire that drives us to act bravely in high-risk, high-reward situations.

During this astrological transit, the heart always triumphs. As a result, it’s critical to align yourself with projects and people who ignite your passion. Our enthusiasm for life and courage to embrace the new will help us achieve our objectives. Our confidence is about to peak, which could be problematic. We shouldn’t be overconfident because arrogance is never a good look. Maintaining a humble attitude will be difficult, but it is advised. Bragging about our victories and accolades may backfire because our peers will be threatened by hearing about accomplishments that do not pertain to them (everyone will want to show off their own fabulousness). Remember that when Mars is in Leo, people’s egos and pride are vulnerable.

Because Mars rules our sexual desires, we’ll want to start by exposing ourselves in the boudoir. This means that the priority will be to satisfy ourselves first, followed by another. At the moment, receiving rather than giving is more important than anything else. Those who lavish us with attention, affection, adoration, and gifts will hold a special place in our hearts because we will want to be shown how much they care (through material possessions and trinkets of love).

The Six of Wands represents Mars in Leo in the tarot. This card depicts a proud man riding a horse while wearing a victory wreath on his head. As he rides through the crowd, people cheer him on. The man isn’t afraid to claim success and take credit for his accomplishments. In fact, he is eager to demonstrate them. And why should he not? He smashed it and should show everyone how incredible he is. The lesson here is to not be afraid to celebrate our victories. It would be a crime not to let the sun shine on our achievements — it would be a huge detriment to us.

Different planets connected with the fire sign the last time Mars transited the sign Leo. From June 11 to July 29, 2021, we experienced our own “hot girl summer.” This time, the vibe will be stronger because Mars in Leo will be ravenous. The lion is supercharged with cosmic energy, giving it extra power. We’ll want to win at any cost, regardless of what it takes to accomplish our goals. The transit is not for the faint of heart, but rather for those who want to seize life by the horns. Make it happen by roaring out what you want!

Key dates for Mars in Leo:

May 20: Mars opposes Pluto retrograde, making us even more determined to achieve our objectives. Nothing will stand in the way of our success.

May 23: Mars squares Jupiter, bringing us a lot of energy and zeal. We’ll have more pep in our steps as we launch projects with zeal. Positive thinking and optimism will triumph.

May 26: Mars forms a tense and intense aspect with the Nodes of Destiny, igniting our fiery nature. The universe is awakening us and providing us with hope for the future.

June 22: Mars connects with the centaur Chiron, assisting us in taking action to repair and mend the past with others and ourselves. We may go deep into painful memories in the hopes of healing them.

June 26: Mars squares off against Uranus, urging us to break free from the shackles that have been holding us back. We can now live by our own rules and celebrate our uniqueness.

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