Home Consciousness Sun Trine Moon, June 8: Three Zodiac Signs Heal from the Past

Sun Trine Moon, June 8: Three Zodiac Signs Heal from the Past

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up one day and realize, WHOA… we’re free of the past?

The heartache we’ve been carrying for what seems like an eternity has vanished into thin air. This is a real possibility for many of us on June 8, because heartbreak isn’t a permanent condition. Second, we have the extensive, beautiful Sun trine Moon transit to make everything feel better.

Today, “better” means “healing.” We can get a lot out of the Sun trine Moon, but the best thing we can do for ourselves is allow ourselves to be healed once and for all. No more heartache; we had done our penance. We’ve finished. It’s finally time to move forward… the universe is calling.

Many of us regard heartbreak as something we must endure even if it causes us great pain. Some of us feel guilty about previous breakups, and we may believe we are to blame for how they ended. When we feel guilty, we secretly want to punish ourselves for causing the negativity that resulted from our actions, and heartache is one way we do so.

We don’t want pain consciously, but we choose it over relief unconsciously. Then there are days like today, and transits like the Sun trine Moon, which remind us that we’ve paid our dues. We can proceed now if we so desire.

Transit Sun trinity The Moon brings good news to all zodiac signs, but these three will benefit the most from their energy on this day. We have a unique opportunity to let go of the past, which means letting go of the heartache that comes with it for many of us. It’s a beautiful day. There will be no more tears. It’s time to move on, astrological signs.

Three zodiac signs heal from the past on June 8:

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

The interesting thing about you and this particular heartbreak is that you KNEW the day would come when you’d be able to let it go. Today, June 8, is that day, and you recognize it as genuine. You can check your heart to see if you still feel the pangs of old love, but you’ll be relieved to know that it really did happen: that old love left for good, taking all of your heartache with it.

This is due to the Sun’s and Moon’s trine presence in our cosmic sky. You never wanted to cling so tightly to a memory that had only caused you pain. Nonetheless, you did what was necessary to survive. You are now clear, and the Sun’s transit and Moon’s trine are assisting you in moving on to the next, more positive stage of your life.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

You’ve used the person who caused you the heartache you’ve been carrying for so long to explain why you’re not moving forward in your life. This story will finally come to an end on June 8 during the transit of the Sun trine Moon. You understand. It is now time to move on. The heartache you’ve been holding onto is now meaningless, and you don’t see why you should continue to nurture it as you have for years.

Today is the day you put an end to your heartache because you now have the clarity to see that there is nothing in it for you. There was never any; you’ve clung to this pain for no reason. You had healed a long time ago but were afraid to admit it, so you kept it going. You won’t be able to deceive yourself during the Sun trine Moon. It’s time to reclaim your liberty. There will be no more heartbreak for you, Aquarius.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

You’ve spent so much time in pain that you’ve come to accept it as part of your identity. You are ‘the hurt one,’ the one who sobs and recalls everything. The more you own this identity of being the person who is always in emotional pain, the more you realize there is no longer a need for it… if there was ever a need for it in the first place.

You won’t be able to lie to yourself or use your pain as an excuse to get out of things during the Sun trine Moon. The time has come, and you recognize it. It’s either now or never. You will make your decision NOW, on June 8, during the Sun trine Moon. You don’t want to waste another precious second of your life, so instead of looking back and regretting everything, you decide to move forward proudly and eagerly.

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