Home Consciousness Are You Tired Of Being A Negativity Sponge? Reclaim Your Energy & Prevent Energy Infiltration

Are You Tired Of Being A Negativity Sponge? Reclaim Your Energy & Prevent Energy Infiltration

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Smells, sounds, colors, objects, animals, and people all have vibrations. We are in an ongoing energetic communication cycle with everything around us, and what we allow to affect us is what we become.

And, as much as we have the ability to influence the world around us with our energy, we can appear to lose that ability when our vibration becomes lower and weaker than the surrounding sources.

We become negativity sponges when we are in this low state. Everyone is looking for a place to dump their negativity because it is extremely difficult to deal with. And when you become an energy dumpster… well, I won’t go into detail because you already know what happens.

The unfortunate reality is that we frequently choose to lower our vibration for entirely the wrong reasons. I’m not referring to going against our inherent goodness (which is self-explanatory). I’m referring to destroying our shield out of goodness.

Although it is always important to lower your shield when communicating with others, we frequently go too far, compromising our energy and ending up in a messed up energetic state.

So, here’s how to recognize when you’ve gone too far and how to reclaim your vibration.

1. Avoid connecting with people through negative emotion

It may appear that this is an unavoidable scenario: your friend is sad, and you match emotions in order to connect with them – to provide some kind of consolation-company. In this way, we align our vibration with theirs to be on the same wavelength, lowering our vibration.

Some may argue that this is completely normal and expected of those close to you. But I’d argue against it. True, misery enjoys company, but this kind of company will never help anyone.

If you truly love that person, you should offer them a higher vibration so that they can rise above their low vibration. You not only help them, but you also help yourself by not becoming depressed. Finally, how can you help someone if you are experiencing the same issue as they are?

2. Some things are not your responsibility – and they shouldn’t be

We are all faced with challenges that are designed to help us grow. These difficulties can often feel negative and overwhelming. The worst thing you can do for them is take on their responsibility.

We frequently feel obligated to solve other people’s problems simply because they complained about how difficult they were for them. When we are asked to help, we sometimes decide to go a step further and start doing what they are supposed to and can do.

However, keep in mind that we all have our own baggage, and we are more responsible for it than for the baggage of others. Giving assistance does not imply grabbing their bags and yanking them apart with our teeth because our hands are already full.

No matter how prepared you are, it will not benefit the other person because they will not learn or grow from the challenge. The better option is to encourage them to use their knowledge and power to face the challenge because they are more prepared than you realize.

Nobody requires a problem solver. We just need a little push and encouragement from time to time.

3. Substitute compassion for sympathy

Sympathy is a poisonous emotion. Many people don’t understand this and think I’m cold-hearted when I say it, despite how much I love this world. And why is it poisonous? Because it leads nowhere but to the worst possible outcome.

Sympathy implies that you are sorry for someone’s struggle, and feeling sorry for them implies that you do not believe they are capable of dealing with the challenge. Why would you believe that? We are born with the ability to face the most difficult of challenges.

So, why undervalue the individual by feeling sorry for them? Compassion is a much more mature approach that allows you to understand their struggle, accept their position, and (if possible) empower them to overcome the obstacles.

You need to have more faith in the people you care about; you need to believe in their ability, which requires a simple spark of love and understanding to emerge. Compassion is a force that promotes growth and bonding; sympathy, on the other hand, is a force that destroys the person before they have a chance to fight.

4. Don’t be so sure that you know better

A person’s life is so complex that you can’t possibly imagine everything that contributes to that complexity. So are life situations, in which everyone has an intelligent opinion – until they are confronted with one themselves.

I’ve never asked for someone else’s opinion on something that is happening to me. Do you understand why? It takes a lot more than words to explain everything that is a part of that problem, and I don’t see why you or the next person would be any different.

And no matter how much you know about someone’s problem, they will always know a little bit more. That is, no matter how good your advice is, or how much better you believe you know, it will almost always be a dead end for them.

Why is there a dead end? Because they did not act as they normally would and instead listened to you. The most important thing is to be true to yourself and your nature. Every mistake I’ve made because it was my decision has been better than the ostensibly ‘best things’ I’ve done on the advice of others.

So, no, you can’t be smarter. Allow the individual to behave naturally.

5. Never take sides

People we know frequently get into a fight and try to divide us by forcing us to take sides. They try to gain numerical dominance and don’t care about your opinion, which is obvious.

In most cases, you simply want to be objective and rational in order to assist your friends, say, in overcoming the communication problem and making up.

However, bias, pressure, and the belief that we know everything cause us to jump in the middle, where we are bombarded by two opposing sources of negative energy. In the end, you don’t contribute anything and feel drained and guilty for intervening in the first place.

Why, after all, should you take sides in a problem that isn’t yours? Instead of picking sides, embrace them and accept that people must resolve their differences without your intervention.

6. Never become a people pleaser (and if you are, start saying NO)

I’m still learning to say no in some situations, because we empaths all have that people-pleasing gene that’s screwing us over. Putting others ahead of yourself may feel rewarding and selfless, but it’s actually ridiculous – and those others usually know it.

I suppose we’d live in a Utopia if everyone behaved like this. The truth is, however, that it is impossible because we were simply born in our own skin, not that of others – which means we must begin with ourselves.

Putting others ahead of yourself and giving your energy away like you won it in a casino is a self-betrayal that people will not appreciate in you, no matter how much you hope they will.

A better alternative is to always ask yourself, ‘Can that person do it themselves?’ ‘Will that person be able to wait?’ ‘Do I have to do something personal first?’ Even mothers should not give in to all of their children’s ideas and desires, right? What’s the point?

7. Mind your own business

It is our eternal agony to find out what others think of us. Many people have begun to center their lives on other people’s perceptions of them. It’s truly heartbreaking and sickening.

I have the reputation of being a ‘cold, ”reserved,’ ‘arrogant,’ and so on because I maintain a healthy distance and don’t let people consume my life force and personality. And guess what? I’m not particularly concerned. In fact, I’m relieved.

Everyone knows who I am, and I have never been afraid to say what I mean or to stand up for myself because I don’t expect anyone else to do it for me.

I know I have an endless supply of love for this world – but naughtiness can’t always be rewarded with candy, can it? Unless it’s cute, of course!

The most important thing to remember is that you cannot define your life based on the opinions and thoughts of others. Those who want to judge you for who you are are free to do so, and you are free not to care because, in the end, YOU ARE YOU, AND YOU SHOULD NOT CHANGE YOURSELF BECAUSE OF ANYONE’S OPINION.

Reclaim your identity because if you lose it, there will be no one to find it and return it to you. You reclaim your energy by reclaiming your identity. Respect yourself and everyone around you, but know your limits.

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