Home Consciousness The Lion’s Gate Portal Opens On 8/8 – A Powerful Moment for Big, Big Dreams

The Lion’s Gate Portal Opens On 8/8 – A Powerful Moment for Big, Big Dreams

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Make your wildest dreams come true.

Are you ready to create your ideal reality and begin living your dream life?

You should be, because the Lion’s Gate portal of 2023 is reopening. This is regarded as one of the most powerful windows of manifestation, so seize this opportunity to give life to your most audacious ideas and brightest vision for the future.

So, what exactly is the Lion’s Gate portal? When the bright blue fixed star Sirius perfectly aligns with Orion’s Belt and the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, this occurs. When this connects with the sun in Leo, it gains a new level of power. It has the potential to be both intense and powerful, as well as beautiful and magical.

The opening of the portal is a time to manifest change and bring our dreams to fruition. Because the sun is in Leo, now is an excellent time to create and progress toward a heartfelt vision quest. With Lion’s Gate activated, we can rekindle our passions and lean into making them a reality right now.

Lion’s Gate occurs this year on August 8, the same day as the last quarter moon in practical and committed Taurus. During this time, the sun, the ruler of your ego, and the moon, the ruler of your heart, will clash, paving the way for motivational experiences and powerful turning points. Make no mistake: this year’s Lion’s Gate portal will open with a bang. Here’s everything you need to know about getting the most out of it:

Lion’s Gate’s History

The African Dogon tribe, Sumer, and Ancient Egypt celebrated the star Sirius in the sky. They believed that this star, which is aligned with Orion’s Belt and the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, would bring them transformation and prosperity, as well as an energetic moment in which they would be able to enchant their lives with greatness.

Were they mistaken? No. During this time, significant changes and truths have emerged, all of which have improved people’s lives. One contemporary cultural event that caught our attention was President Nixon’s resignation on August 8, 1974, in the midst of the Watergate Scandal. The portal, in its true form, brought about change and awakened our consciousness.

The Numerology of Lion’s Gate

The Lion’s Gate portal will open on August 8th. The number eight is a magical number because it is associated with achievement and transformation. It possesses a great deal of tenacity, strength, and wisdom that can assist us in evolving to a higher level. The number eight is naturally associated with prosperity and abundance, making today a prosperous day to manifest your dreams. They will come true if you are honest and concise about what you want. You will prosper and change as a result of the visions brought to life on 8/8 by the Lion’s Gate portal.

What Should You Manifest On 8/8?

Lion’s Gate can bring you good fortune, love, positivity, and optimism. It will also bring more abundance into our lives. This energy will aid in the removal of negativity and pessimism. The world will appear to be our oyster, with much to give or receive from the energies at work. Anything that makes you happy is the best thing to bring into your life right now. Because Leo rules the heart, you must connect with an endeavor or philosophy that fills you with joy and love. It’s not worth pursuing if it doesn’t speak to you on an emotional and passionate level.

It’s time to be honest about who and what you care about. What kinds of relationships and activities are beneficial to you? Do they connect with you on a soul level? If not, it may be time to disconnect from them and start working on a new project. Perhaps it’s time to refresh your goals and instill new hopes in yourself. If you are motivated and want to make a change, you can change the path you were previously on.

The world and the future are both infinite. You can have the life you want if your heart is completely invested in the dream. Your visions are brimming with energy and desire. Whatever you create will be able to fly (or even soar), and whoever you commit to or recommit to will fill your heart with love.

Have a happy Lion’s Gate.

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