Home Consciousness The Life Motto You Need to Live By, According to Your Zodiac Sign

The Life Motto You Need to Live By, According to Your Zodiac Sign

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Everyone could use a little extra motivation to help them get through tough times. There are numerous ways in which we can not only help ourselves but also those around us.

The most common type of inspiration we encounter online is undoubtedly motivational quotes, which we read on a regular basis.

You’ve probably heard that a person’s life philosophy can be summed up in the form of a motto that they use as a guiding principle.

Find out what your zodiac sign’s life motto is:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

“Take a break. if you really need to, breathe and cry. However, you must continue…”

Aries is known for his tenacity. Those born under this sign are tenacious in their pursuit of success. They keep moving forward with courage and determination.

You have a natural ability for leadership and are not intimidated by difficult tasks. Despite the difficulties, you never give up and continue to give your all.

You want to be the most impressive version of yourself. You don’t try to avoid a problem by skirting it; instead, you confront it and work your way through it.

Aries is well aware that life can be difficult, but they do not let this deter them. You are extremely motivated and determined not to give up.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

“Consider nothing impossible, give it your all, keep your eye on the prize, and surround yourself with positive people.”

If you were born under the sign of Taurus, you have a strong work ethic. They are very disciplined and will work long hours if necessary.

Your motivation stems from the hope that you will one day achieve all of your objectives through hard work. Every day, you work to get one step closer to your goal.

There is always the risk of becoming overly devoted to your work and ignoring your own needs, but you should never ignore the needs of those you care about.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

“Happiness can only be fully experienced when it is shared with others.”

There’s a reason why your zodiac sign’s name is linked to this motto. This is because Geminis are very dedicated and never forget about the people around them.

You are surrounded by people with diverse personalities who accept you for who you are, and you reciprocate. This variety of people in your inner circle does not bother you in the least.

You want to make your loved ones and friends happy, and you are constantly concerned with their needs and satisfaction. Happiness will not be complete for you until you can share it with the people closest to your heart.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

“Follow your heart, but don’t forget to also use your brain.”

What else would a zodiac sign as emotional as Cancer have as a life motto? You are very loving and sensitive, as one would expect from someone born under this sign.

Unfortunately, there are times when you give too much of your emotions to others. When making important decisions, it is critical to remember the value of using your head.

Never succumb to the urge to act on your emotions without first considering the consequences of your actions.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

“Have fun and appreciate life to the fullest. Don’t settle for minor accomplishments; instead, reach for the stars.”

Leo desires dominance, glamor, and praise, among other things. This fire sign enjoys drawing everyone’s attention to itself.

People born under this zodiac sign usually have no trouble expressing themselves and strive to be exceptional in all aspects of their lives.

When it comes to achieving your goals, you want to perform to the best of your abilities as quickly as possible. Every moment should be treated as if it were priceless and unforgettable.

You have all of the self-assurance you need to accomplish whatever you set out to do. You are not the type of person who can find happiness in the little things in life, especially when it comes to love.

You are well aware of your worth, and it makes you very happy when others recognize it as well. You never stop giving it your all, and you demand the same from those around you.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

“I am aware of what it is that I desire, and I will get it.”

Virgo is also a determined sign. You concentrate on the task at hand and devise a methodical strategy for achieving it.

People born under this sign are driven and confident in their abilities, and they never doubt themselves. You have worked hard and are confident that it will pay off in the end.

You value it when others have faith in you. Your family and friends, who are always there for you, receive a lot of your love and time.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

“Striving for harmony is the key to a happy life.”

For Libra, the connection between the name of the zodiac sign and its life motto is especially clear.

Those born under this sign place a high value on maintaining peace in their daily lives and make striking a healthy balance in all spheres a priority.

You try your hardest to balance the demands of work, friends, and family. You have a generous and kind heart, and you would go to great lengths to protect those you care about.

As a result, you expect others to behave similarly, and any form of betrayal is unacceptable in your eyes. You have a pleasant demeanor toward others, but you do not allow anyone to invade your personal space.

A Libra is a humble person who appreciates the simple pleasures of life. You dislike arguments; instead, you value peace and work hard to find a way out of any difficult situation as soon as possible.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

“When it comes to love and war, nothing is unfair.”

Scorpios are known to be fierce competitors, and their life motto reflects this well. You keep an eye on your loved ones and friends while also keeping an eye on your adversaries.

Scorpios are known for their meticulous planning and refusal to leave anything to chance. They appear mysterious and are always one step ahead of the game.

It is not in your nature to share your innermost thoughts and feelings with others. You have faith in both love and conflict.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

“If you want to get the most out of life, think of it as an adventure.”

One thing is certain if you were born under the sign of Sagittarius: you have a strong desire to travel and explore.

They despise anything routine or predictable. Sagittarius is always up for an exciting adventure and is always planning something exciting.

You get along well with others and find a common language with everyone. People gravitate toward you because you are a fascinating and amusing individual, and they enjoy your company.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

“Work hard and love strong.”

Those born under the sign of Capricorn behave similarly to those born under the sign of Taurus.

Work is important to you, you are ambitious, and you constantly push yourself. Capricorns are naturally optimistic. They are not afraid to devote their lives to a cause in which they believe.

You lavish love on those who are there for you, and you make every effort not to make them feel neglected.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

“I have always been a free spirit. Either look at me from afar or join me in my adventures, but under no circumstances should you attempt to confine me.”

Aquarius has a rebellious spirit as well as a generous heart. You do not accept society’s standards and are not afraid to express yourself.

If you believe that you are being suffocated or that you are trapped, you will be extremely unhappy. You will then make a desperate attempt to flee the situation.

People in your life must respect your independence in order to love you. You place a high value on your ability to think for yourself.

You are astute and place a high value on the honesty of those around you. You have the ability to accept people for who they are.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

“Logic is the way to get from point A to point B. Imagination is the key to get you anywhere.”

Pisceans are incredibly resourceful. You are an emotional and empathetic person who is sometimes overwhelmed by your own emotions.

You have a tendency to daydream and find inspiration in your favorite activities.

You believe that having your own space where you can freely express your creative side is extremely important to you.

Your unwavering belief that nothing is impossible enables you to approach challenges in a very unique way.

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