Home Consciousness Capricorn New Moon, January 2024, Marks the Beginning of a Positive Period for These 4 Zodiacs

Capricorn New Moon, January 2024, Marks the Beginning of a Positive Period for These 4 Zodiacs

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The first new moon of the year has arrived, and it isn’t messing around.

On January 11, 2024, at 6:58 a.m. ET (12:58 p.m. CET), it will rise in the sign of Capricorn, giving everyone the confidence to take calculated steps toward achieving their objectives. Capricorn’s no-nonsense vibe, on the other hand, will be of even greater benefit to the four lucky zodiac signs that will be most affected by the new moon that occurs in January.

In astrology, new moons are a time to slow down, reflect, and invite in the energy that you want to bring into the next lunar cycle. This particular new moon occurs when the moon is in its new phase. Due to the fact that this is the first new moon of the year, you might feel an increased amount of pressure to buckle down. The sign of Capricorn is also known as the sign of discipline and practicality, so you should get ready to feel serious. The sea goat is a symbol of significant wealth.

As it approaches its final degree before entering Aquarius, the Capricorn stellium with Pluto is currently in its final degree. In conjunction with the sun, moon, and Mars, which is currently located in the sign of Capricorn, this not only provides you with the strategy but also the willpower to pursue your dreams.

What are the zodiac signs that will be most impacted by the new moon that will occur on January 11?

Also included is information on how to ride the lunar wave.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

You have made the most of your time, Aries, but it is now time to get back to work. At the moment, there are a lot of people looking at you, and with that comes an increased amount of pressure to appear successful and to make money. The next half year has the potential to be a fruitful time for your career, but only if you put in the effort to make it happen. There is a good chance that your financial situation will improve if you develop your expertise in a particular field. This is because you have the fortunate planet Jupiter in your sign, as well as Mercury and Venus in your ninth house, which is responsible for expansion and travel.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus, life is getting more complicated. You may experience an increase in your sense of self-worth as a result of Jupiter’s favoritism toward you. Learning new things and going on trips, particularly those that take you overseas, can be financially rewarding over the next half year, particularly if you collaborate with someone else that you have faith in. Maintaining a sensible budget is something you should not overlook as you work toward a more prosperous future.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

This lunation is especially powerful for you, not only because the moon is the ruler of Cancer, but also because the new moon that occurs on January 11 occurs in Capricorn, which is your sister sign. A chance encounter or a kismet introduction could be in store for you in the near future. It is possible that the people you meet over the next half year will prove to be extremely helpful to you on your journey ahead. Now would be a good time to tend to the relationships that you have in your life. Don’t decline any invitations if you’re not in a relationship currently. There is no way to know who you might run into.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

There is no better time for you, Capricorn! Four planets are located in your first house, which indicates that you are prepared to take action. During this time period, there is a particular emphasis placed on supporting creative projects as well as those that require skill or communication. You might find that experimenting with your artistic abilities leads to breakthroughs and an increase in your self-confidence. At the same time that this new moon will strengthen your strong sense of independence, it may also bring about some difficulties for you. You may find that you are pondering who you are and what it is that you ultimately desire. Make every effort to remain authentic to who you are.

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