Home Consciousness Waxing Gibbous Moon: Spiritual Meaning & Significance

Waxing Gibbous Moon: Spiritual Meaning & Significance

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The moon is adored by many people due to its beauty and glow.

We get to see different patterns of the Moon from Earth as it moves through its various phases. Each of the lunar cycle’s eight phases has its own magic and significance. The waxing gibbous moon, for example, represents progress and growth toward a specific goal. This phase, which occurs just before the full moon, is intended for the final steps required for manifestation or success.

The waxing gibbous moon is the fourth phase of the lunar cycle preceding the full moon, indicating that the Sun is nearly fully illuminating the Moon. As we approach the full moon, you may begin to notice a shift in energy.

Here’s everything you need to know about the waxing gibbous moon, including its spiritual significance and symbolism.

What Are the Different Moon Phases?

The lunar cycle has eight phases, which are (in order): new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, and waning crescent. Each moon phase affects the natural flow and climate of the Earth. In fact, some research indicates that the Moon has an effect on human and animal behavior and physiology.

The lunar cycle has an impact on fertility, menstruation, and birth rates, according to the study “The lunar cycle: effects on human and animal behavior and physiology” published in The National Center for Biotechnology Information. In fact, studies have found that melatonin levels may be related to the menstrual cycle.

Furthermore, hospital and emergency room admissions have been linked to lunar phases as a result of health issues such as “cardiovascular and acute coronary events, variceal hemorrhage, diarrhea, [and] urinary retention.” The lunar cycle may also influence human behavior, such as car accidents, crimes, and suicides.

The National Center for Biotechnology Information discovered the following information about animals:

Animal studies revealed that the lunar cycle may influence hormonal changes early in insect phylogenesis. The lunar clock influences reproduction in fish by influencing the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis. During full moon days, the daily variations in melatonin and corticosterone disappear in birds. The lunar cycle also has an effect on taste sensitivity and the ultrastructure of pineal gland cells in laboratory rats. Cyclic variations in the magnitude of the humoral immune response of mice to polyvinylpyrrolidone and sheep erythrocytes have also been described. Melatonin and endogenous steroids are thought to mediate the described cyclic changes in physiological processes. Electromagnetic radiation and/or the gravitational pull of the Moon may cause neurohormone release. Although the exact mechanism of the Moon’s influence on humans and animals remains unknown, knowledge of this type of biorhythm may be useful in police surveillance, medical practice, and laboratory animal investigations.

What exactly is a Waxing Gibbous Moon?

The waxing gibbous moon is the phase of the lunar cycle in which the side of the Moon facing Earth receives nearly complete illumination from the Sun. Except for a small sliver, the Moon appears nearly full at this point in the lunar cycle. This phase occurs immediately before the full moon phase and represents the final push of action before “completion.”

During this time, it’s a good idea to assess any obstacles or resistance you’ve encountered in manifesting your dreams.

Waxing Gibbous Moon: Spiritual Meaning & Significance

The waxing gibbous moon has deep symbolism that reminds us to keep moving toward our goals. The waxing gibbous moon has spiritual meanings and significance.


We all go through periods of growth and transformation in our lives. This development frequently occurs in stages, with some being more significant than others. The waxing gibbous moon is one such stage that reminds us how important growth is in achieving our goals in life. We can see the Moon “growing” (though it remains the same size, but our perspective from Earth changes). Similarly, we can look back and see our own internal growth.

For example, perhaps you’ve been working in therapy to reduce your self-doubt and start talking to yourself kindlier. While you may still notice some negative self-talk from time to time, you may notice how much less you engage in negative self-talk. Though there is always room for improvement, you should be proud of your progress thus far.


The Moon grows larger — nearly full — during the waxing gibbous phase. Just like the Moon, we can see evidence of our progress and how close we are to reaching our full potential. However, keep in mind that progress is not always linear. Our healing and growth can ebb and flow during different stages of life. Noticing your progress, as previously mentioned, is a great way to maintain a positive mindset and confidence in the direction you’re heading. You may not log miles every day, but as long as you’re moving forward, you’re progressing.


The waxing gibbous moon represents refinement, as this is the stage when you may need to make changes to get what you want. For example, maybe you thought working longer hours would help you get that promotion at your current job, only to realize you don’t want that lack of work-life balance. What you truly desire may be financial freedom, which you may have discovered through a different route. Now is an excellent time to reflect and make those necessary changes.

The waxing gibbous moon reminds us that it is never too late to revise or even change our plans. In fact, our desires can shift throughout our lives. One year, we may want to travel the world and meet new people in different places, while the following year, we may prefer to spend more time alone, focusing on our careers or pursuing a committed relationship.


The waxing gibbous moon phase contains a wealth of wisdom. We’ve most likely taken the necessary steps toward the goals set during the new moon at this point in the lunar cycle. As we near the end of the cycle, we may reflect on the lessons we learned during the first half of the cycle, noting any resistance or ease we encountered. During this phase, the Sun shines lighter on the Moon, but it also shines lighter on our desires, blocks, and passions.


Now is the time to make difficult choices on your path to manifestation. The waxing gibbous moon phase, which occurs immediately before the full moon, is an excellent time to make decisions that will secure your future. For example, perhaps you’re trying to attract a soulmate but can’t seem to let go of your toxic ex. This is the time to take your desires seriously and make the necessary decisions to align yourself with your manifestations. As difficult as it may be, you may need to let go of someone you once loved in order to meet your soulmate.


The Moon must first endure early and humble beginnings toward our goals in order to reach the full moon phase. This necessitates hard work and consistent action in the right direction. To truly reap the benefits of the full moon (or the desired state of abundance), you must remain committed to your goals even in the face of opposition. The waxing gibbous phase reminds us that the only way to achieve our goals is to commit to them. You can manifest all you want, but if you aren’t willing to back it up with action, you won’t get the desired result.


We may find that our dreams are coming true during this phase of the lunar cycle. While there are likely still steps you need to take before you can truly see our manifestations in their full glory, you may notice that your dreams seem more realistic now that you’ve been working toward them.

If you choose to see it that way, this can be an exciting time, but it can also be intimidating if you don’t truly believe you can achieve your manifestations. This is an excellent time to consider any resistance you’re experiencing so that you can cleanse your energy and continue aligning yourself with your dreams.


The waxing gibbous moon, as the phase immediately preceding the full moon, necessitates a willingness to expand. Expansion can happen in any aspect of your life, from your romantic relationships to your friendships to your career. Consider which aspects of your life you want to expand (and in what ways) and continue to grow in those areas. The waxing gibbous will help you focus on your desires.


The waxing gibbous moon is a good time to get creative, especially if you’ve been working hard to achieve your goals. This phase may provide more inspiration because it occurs just before the full moon, which is a time of abundance, celebration, and completion. If things have been going well for you during this lunar cycle, you may be completing projects or revisiting areas of your life that you have been longing for. Allow this creativity to speak to and through you in any case. Consider your life to be a work of art, and recognize that you are the artist.


The waxing gibbous phase may cause unsettled emotions, distress, or even exhaustion after a period of commitment, action, and progression. You may feel drained of energy at this time. As a result, many people believe that the waxing gibbous phase represents resilience as we continue to hustle and work toward our manifestations. The full moon will reward your perseverance.

Celebrating the Waxing Gibbous Moon

The waxing gibbous moon phase is ideal for taking the final steps toward your goal. It is not the time to give up or give in, even if you are tempted to do so. Maintain your focus on the prize and know that you will be rewarded soon.

Reflect on how far you’ve come and express gratitude to yourself and the universe for getting you this far to celebrate the waxing gibbous moon. Continue to push forward, making the necessary adjustments or sacrifices to bring your desires and manifestations to fruition. Consider journaling through difficult emotions or writing down any lessons learned during this phase.

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