Home Consciousness The Divine Feminine & Men

The Divine Feminine & Men

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Definite crusade happens in order to help balance the dualism or polarity between female and male.

As a lot of people speak against injustice and abuse, that thing rises to a great revolution of some remarkable proportions. So, how can a man play a significant role in such a transformation without being afraid of losing his identity?

The feminine divine movement—what is it?

For years, we were raised in a world dominated by men. This disparity, stemming from a lack of balance and polarity, has contributed to the world’s confusion. Just as a phoenix rises from ashes, this divine feminine movement also seeks to balance this inequality.

This divine feminine movement does not focus on dominance and power, but instead celebrates some of the strengths that females have, such as harmony, healing, intuition, and creativity. Also, it admires the Goddess, and encourages reconnection with nature, the source, and beauty.

Women, by nature, have the responsibility of birthing. The divine feminine’s awakening process is about to play the role of the midwife in order to facilitate the planet’s birth in some place of conscious evolution and unity. It is also all about appreciating and honoring Mother Nature for everything she gives us. In fact, we should appreciate the variety and diversity of every existence.

This divine feminine movement does not prioritize female dominance. In fact, it respects all life. Also, it is all about tolerance, justice, and equality.

In what way can men assist in this transformation?

This divine feminine movement does not consist of stereotypical or standard male behaviors. As some sources state, such stereotypes include courage, independence, and assertiveness. A lot of male figures keep their identities profoundly buried in their control, leadership, and dominance. With the rise of the divine feminine movement, men can feel how their realities crumble. When they lose their ability to control, they may also feel uneasy or inadequate.

However, several shifts and reminders in perspective can help men welcome this movement and assist in the process of transformation.

The first is to remember that they actually incarnated in order to raise vibration and further develop the soul. Moreover, there are men who choose some soul contracts in order to embody twin flames in their lives. However, we cannot always color such relationships pink.

Another pattern that is also advisable is some shifts in perspectives. Leaving behind the fear of losing control and feeling powerless, and embracing the strength required to facilitate some changes, will be an empowering experience. One necessary thing for men would be to understand the divine feminine movement.

Men will also have a chance to help orchestrate some beautiful symphonies of awareness evolution while supporting and celebrating the divine feminine.

When men finally remember their authentic selves and the polarity or dualism that exists within every person, a real synergy between the sexes will be possible.

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