Home Consciousness Why Is the Summer Solstice So Significant & How Does It Affect Your Life?

Why Is the Summer Solstice So Significant & How Does It Affect Your Life?

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The Summer Solstice is quickly approaching. That potent planetary moment when the Earth’s tilt brings us closest to the sun.

This is a pivotal moment in our year, and here’s why…

The Summer Solstice marks the longest day of the year.

Since the Winter Solstice, the days have gradually lengthened as the Earth began to tilt back toward the sun.

We are more inwardly focused during the darker days of winter. We wanted to physically be inside. Snuggled and cozy. It was a period of mental dreaming, manifesting, and planning.

However, as the Earth began to tilt back toward the sun, our spirits began to awaken. We began to stretch outward from those more inward-focused days. Spring is like getting out of bed in the morning and strrrrrrretching.

We are fully awake on the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year. Our spirits are alive, refreshed, renewed, and energized by the sun—all that good, juicy, rich stuff.

On these long summer days, our spirits yearn to be outside, to feel alive, to move, and to celebrate.

We’re the closest to the sun that we’ll be all year.

That means we are currently being bathed in solar energy.

The sun is literally ablaze. And the northern hemisphere is soaking up all that fierce, intense, electrifying, invigorating, and exhilarating energy nearly 24 hours a day right now.

That means there is an abundance of that rich fire energy that both you and I can absorb. We can channel that energy to inspire, uplift, and energize ourselves. To stoke our fires.

It’s time to embrace your fiery badass side. Take in that energy and let it empower you.

The Solstice is a global moment.

This is really cool, in my opinion.

The Summer Solstice is the exact planetary moment when the Earth’s tilt reaches its maximum. It is not a day or a time (like New Year’s) that is observed at various times throughout the day as the Earth rotates through its time zones. The Solstice occurs at a precise moment; the same moment occurs everywhere on Earth. In the southern hemisphere, this is actually the Winter Solstice.

This is fantastic. It serves as a reminder that I am a member of a global community. For a brief moment, it makes me feel connected to everyone else on the planet.

This year, I’m going to set an alarm to remind myself to go outside at the Solstice. To be outside, to take a breather, and to be present and mindful in this global moment. I dare you to do the same.

The Solstice is a peak. A climax. A completion.

Since the Winter Solstice, the sun has gradually risen, and the days have gradually lengthened. The sun reaches its peak and completes its cycle of growth on the Summer Solstice.

As a result, the Summer Solstice is an excellent time to reflect on high points in your own life. What achievements have you completed that you are particularly proud of?

After the Solstice, the days start getting shorter.

Following the Solstice, the northern hemisphere begins to tilt away from the sun, and the days begin to shorten again. Despite your excitement and anticipation for summer, this can make your spirit feel a little sad.

Even though it’s only June, we’re already starting to turn inward. The days will continue to shorten until the Winter Solstice, when the sun will be reborn and the cycle of growth will begin again.

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