Home Consciousness The New Moon Eclipse This December Will Be Bringing Sudden Changes

The New Moon Eclipse This December Will Be Bringing Sudden Changes

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The last New Moon of 2020 will take place on the 14th of December under Sagittarius. This New Moon coincides with a Solar Eclipse that will shake us up.

New Moons bring new changes and beginnings. But with the addition of a supercharged Eclipse, that energy will only intensify. You might feel confused but trust the energies.

Here’s how your zodiac can stay strong through this cosmic event:


The New Moon Eclipse’s energy can take your dreams to lofty heights or even awaken your soul to new aspirations. With the event taking place in another fire sign, you feel prepared to tackle whatever fate throws your way. This is the time to be spontaneous!


Even if the changes seem too many, know that you always control your boundaries. Be it your work life or personal relationships, under this New Moon, set firm boundaries that serve you. Set your priorities straight and let go of the toxicity others bring into your life. Try to focus on spiritual exploration under this luminary.


This New Moon Eclipse is going to strain your love life. Your communication skills will be crucial to avoid misunderstandings. Diffuse any upcoming drama and keep your eyes open. You will learn who are the real trustworthy ones.


Your daily routine is up for a toss under this Eclipse energy! Expect a complete restructuring of your routine to break away from old habits. This new energy will help you focus on personal goals better.


This New Moon Eclipse is a great time for you to let out your creativity. Choose the medium that helps you best express yourself and just go with it. Your positive attitude will see you through all minor bumps now.


Either your family life or your past will be severely shaken up by this New Moon. The best way to deal with this confounding energy is to channelize it into redecorating your home. Make your immediate space warm and comfortable for now.


You are blessed with high manifestation energy, but that can turn against you as well. Whatever you speak out loud will turn into your reality, so best practice caution. Keep an open mind and try to connect with more people. Let your words only be your magic wand, not a weapon.


Your money and resources houses will be hit hardest by this New Moon Eclipse. Keep an eye out for any unnecessary expenses. Sure the holiday season is here, but a budget never harms anyone. Use this Eclipse energy to move on from your past limiting beliefs when it comes to money.


Are you ready to welcome a completely new life? The New Moon Eclipse in your sign is going to test your flexible energy. Keep changing yourself till you find the right mold. Your growth is going to inspire many others!


The New Moon in Sagittarius will remind you to slow down. You don’t need to be productive and running about 24/7. Forget those unachievable standards and appreciate what you have already. Use this time to relax and rewind at home.


The New Moon Eclipse is surely bringing some unstable energy our way. When you feel too dizzy, you can lean on your social circle. Your friends are always there for you. Focus on developing those connections and find more like-minded people that you can trust through these turbulent times.


As far as your professional life is concerned, this luminary is going to do wonders! Stop trying to control the situations. Sit back and let the opportunities unfold before you. If one door closes for you, look around, and you will find another. If a major shift is headed, don’t be afraid. Just dive in!

The New Moon Eclipse is bringing currents of change for all the zodiac signs. Some will find it easier to deal with than others. But the best way forward is to be flexible with your own support system. Let the universe take care of the rest!

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