Home Consciousness The Powerful June Strawberry Full Moon in Capricorn Is Bringing a Massive Energy Shift: Throw Out the Anchor

The Powerful June Strawberry Full Moon in Capricorn Is Bringing a Massive Energy Shift: Throw Out the Anchor

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

A Capricorn Full Moon will grace our skies on the night between June 21 and 22. Our already hyper emotions are only going to be further magnified under this Moon.

The June Full Moon will reach its peak on June 21, 2024, at around 9:08 p.m. ET or Saturday, June 22, at 3:08 a.m. CET, coinciding closely with the solstice.

The Full Moon we are currently experiencing is known as the Strawberry Moon, although this name can be a bit misleading. The name “Strawberry Moon” originates from various colonial American, Native American, and European sources, but it does not actually turn strawberry pink. Occurring at the start of summer for those in the Northern Hemisphere, this Moon signifies the arrival of luscious strawberries and other fruits that are ripe and ready to be harvested.

What Is the Significance of a Full Moon Happening at the Solstice?

Because it coincides with the solstice, this Moon will be a truly special event for observers in both the Northern and Southern hemispheres. The alignment of the Full Moon with the solstice is a rather infrequent event, happening only once every 19 or 20 years.

What makes this so important? The summer and winter solstices have a significant impact on the Moon’s position in the sky. The winter solstice marks the Moon’s peak position in the sky, whereas the summer solstice marks its lowest point. Positioning the Moon lower in the sky creates the illusion of its larger size. During the summer solstice, observers will witness a captivating and radiant display as the Sun descends and the Moon ascends. During a winter solstice, the Moon ascends to its peak position in the sky, illuminating the entire expanse with an ethereal radiance.

What Can You Expect from the Full Moon in Capricorn?

Full Moons can be quite tumultuous. During the peak of the Moon Cycle, emotions tend to be heightened, and people may experience shorter tempers. However, this period also brings a surge of energy for both work and socializing. When the Moon and Sun are in opposition, which is typical during the Full Moon, you may experience a sense of push and pull, as well as restless energy within you. You may also experience profound insights and a moment of enlightenment, revealing the underlying forces at play for you to address. The Full Moon has the power to bring about significant changes and can leave us feeling completely drained.

This celestial event, with the Moon in Capricorn, promises to bring a sense of stability and practicality. Capricorn is strongly associated with work, encompassing not only your professional career but also your hobbies and reputation. This sign, known for its efficiency and practicality, can provide valuable guidance in prioritizing tasks and finding genuine comfort in your work. You’ll have a strong drive to stay productive, whether it’s by nurturing an herb garden, immersing yourself in a captivating book series, or taking satisfaction in achieving your goals at work. Appreciate this newfound sense of discipline while it endures.

Resist the temptation to view these influences as ones that will confine you to your home. If you have ever encountered Capricorns, you will quickly discover that these individuals possess a hidden talent for revelry. They are dedicated and focused on their work, but they also know how to enjoy themselves. You’ll have equal amounts of energy for staying up late and pursuing practical and fulfilling activities. This full moon presents a wonderful opportunity to fully embrace the surge of newfound energy and wholeheartedly dedicate yourself to pursuing the activities that bring you joy.

The Best Ways to Face the Coming Full Moon in Capricorn

It is crucial to remember this important piece of advice: avoid overexerting yourself. Coming into work at 7 a.m. and then going out for drinks may initially seem like a beneficial idea, but if you make a habit out of it, you’ll eventually experience burnout. There is a limit to how much energy you can draw from the following day before depleting it entirely. While it’s natural to feel motivated to tackle numerous tasks, it’s important to remember the value of taking some time to rest and recharge.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that Capricorn shares more similarities with its opposing sign of Cancer than one might initially assume. Emotional wounds can easily affect Capricorn due to its heightened sensitivity. Given the placement of the Sun in Cancer, our emotions are already heightened. However, a Capricorn Moon can further intensify our sensitivities. In an intriguing celestial alignment, the Moon finds itself in a challenging square aspect with Neptune, creating an atmosphere that is both emotional and fraught with tension. It is advisable to exercise caution and refrain from making any statements that may be misinterpreted. It is important to be mindful of your comments and avoid making insensitive jokes, as they can potentially offend those around you and may result in receiving hurtful remarks in return. It is important to be mindful of how you communicate feedback or criticism, always keeping in mind the power of a kind word. Instead, strive to approach others and yourself with kindness and compassion. Kindness is truly beneficial for the soul.

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