Home Consciousness June 17, 2024 Will Be a Very Lucky Day for Two Zodiacs as Venus & Mercury Enter Cancer

June 17, 2024 Will Be a Very Lucky Day for Two Zodiacs as Venus & Mercury Enter Cancer

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

With the movement of several planets into the Cancer zodiac sign, there is a noticeable shift in the energy of the universe.

On June 17, 2024, Mercury and Venus will gracefully transition from the intellectual sign of Gemini into the compassionate waters of Cancer, where they will reside until July 11, 2024. This planetary shift will bring about notable transformations in our approach to relationships, values, and creativity, as the emphasis shifts from intellectual curiosity to heartfelt connections.

In astrology, the fourth house influences Cancers, focusing on concepts like home, family, and security. People often regard these individuals as the guardians of the zodiac, while they recognize their counterpart, Capricorn, as the nurturer of the zodiac. During this period, Venus in Cancer creates a strong sense of empathy and brings positive fortune in matters related to emotions and the home.

Today, Mercury, the planet associated with communication and thinking, aligns with Venus in Cancer. This alignment enhances our intuition and emotional intelligence, amplifying these themes. During this period, there will be a noticeable shift in our thoughts and communications as we become more attuned to empathy and sensitivity. We will have a strong desire to engage in meaningful conversations and foster our relationships.

Cancers are also known for their inclination towards staying at home. During these 28 days, you have the opportunity to achieve prosperity by dedicating time to honing your skills, fostering stronger connections with your loved ones, and strategizing for a future with your partner.

Now, let’s delve into the events of June 17 and see what lies ahead, shall we?

Here are the two zodiac signs that will experience abundance on June 17, 2024:

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Libra! Wow! From June 17 to July 20, the entrance of Mercury and Venus into Cancer will present favorable opportunities for career advancement. In this regard, you can expect some significant luck to come your way. With the recent entry of Mars into Taurus, specifically in your 8th house of shared resources, you might notice a newfound enthusiasm to delve into your connections on a deeper level or make wise financial investments that will benefit you in the future. When Saturn in Pisces shines a light on your 6th house, you can expect some positive changes in your daily routine. Your strategic planning will pay off. In the near future, it is possible that negotiations or plans will align perfectly, giving you the opportunity to construct your empire exactly according to your preferences. Maybe you recently had a successful negotiation with your boss, where you requested additional work-from-home days, and it seems like you’re going to receive everything you asked for and even more.

Given Chiron’s current transit in Aries, it appears that there is a possibility of resolving any relationship issues by embracing vulnerability and authenticity. As Chiron enters the fixed earth sign of Taurus on June 19, you may establish new ground rules for success in your relationship. This month, dear Libra, your world is experiencing a delightful whirlwind of love and financial opportunities!

Today brings a wonderful opportunity for increased clarity, dear Libra, as the Moon forms a harmonious aspect with Mercury and Venus. This celestial configuration grants you a unique blend of emotional and intellectual acuity, enabling you to artfully articulate your thoughts with a harmonious blend of charisma and tact. Given that the scales represent your zodiac sign, it’s only fitting!

Abundance Affirmation: I am guided in my every step by the Spirit who leads me towards what I must know and do.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

As Venus and Mercury make their way into Cancer, they will shine a light on your 7th house of partnerships, bringing a wave of love and affection to your relationships. Get ready for a surge of empathy and affection to fill your interactions, whether it’s with your significant other, business partners, or closest friends and family. During the upcoming month, you can expect an increase in warmth and understanding within your relationships. This period will provide an excellent opportunity to concentrate on strengthening your connection with your partner or resolving any previous conflicts with your family.

Starting today, the semi-sextile between the Moon and Lilith will give you the ability to confidently communicate your desires in your relationships. When it comes to navigating professional or personal conversations, your words will exude a polished finesse today, effortlessly resolving any conflicts that may arise. Keep a close watch on the aspect between Venus and Neptune, as it may introduce confusion or idealism into your thought process. It’s important to maintain a balanced perspective, Cap. While it’s great that you have a positive outlook, ensure that you’re also realistic and not overly idealizing the situation. It is important to approach conversations with loved ones about compromise with caution, as you may find yourself agreeing to something that you later realize does not align with your true desires. Take advantage of this opportunity to cultivate a more profound comprehension and compassion instead of overlooking crucial particulars.

The Moon, which represents our psyche, forms a bi-quintile with Jupiter, the planet of expansion. This celestial alignment is bringing forth a surge of optimism and growth, particularly in your daily routine and work environment. Maybe you’re inspired to revisit a beloved hobby, or you’ve made the decision to devote more time each day after work to a hobby project that could potentially become a profitable venture. However, the alignment of the Moon with Neptune and Jupiter indicates the importance of finding a harmonious balance between your imaginative aspirations and the practical aspects of life. Be cautious not to become overly infatuated with your side hustle, as it may distract you from other crucial business matters that require your attention.

Rest assured, during the midday hours, celestial alignments will bring forth a series of harmonious and challenging aspects. These cosmic influences will prompt you to carefully examine and evaluate the delicate balance between your core beliefs and the practical aspects of your life. Have faith in your intuition, Capricorn, and strive to find a harmonious middle ground.

Abundance Affirmation: Today, I abandon my old habits and take up new, more positive ones.

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