Home Consciousness Follow These DOS & DON’TS to Harness the Magnetic Energy of June’s Full Strawberry Moon

Follow These DOS & DON’TS to Harness the Magnetic Energy of June’s Full Strawberry Moon

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Stop squandering your time on futile pursuits. 

On the evening of June 21, get ready to witness a captivating celestial event—the debut of June’s full Strawberry Moon on the horizon. It’s a special lunar action that marks the first full day of summer. As the initial significant lunation of the upcoming season, this celestial occurrence presents a wonderful opportunity to establish summer intentions and reassess your goals for 2024 as you enter the latter part of the year. Imbued with the potent energy of the recent summer solstice, the June full moon holds immense significance for each zodiac sign. It is crucial to understand how to navigate its influence.

June’s full moon in the cardinal earth sign Capricorn emphasizes the significance of diligent effort, self-control, and accountability. Under this lunation, you have the potential to achieve significant progress on your practical-minded goals. By dedicating yourself and creating straightforward plans, you can make substantial headway. Given the current celestial alignment, it is crucial to find a harmonious equilibrium between your personal and professional spheres. The moon’s position in determined Capricorn, in opposition to the sun in emotional Cancer, calls for a delicate balancing act. To truly unlock your full potential and expand your horizons, it is essential to address the emotional foundations in your life. The upcoming full moon presents a valuable opportunity to fine-tune this aspect of your journey.

In addition, the full moon brings together Venus, which is associated with values, and Neptune, known for its dreamy qualities, creating a complex astrological combination. When Venus faces off with the moon, it encourages you to align your intentions with your true desires and only commit to what you believe is truly valuable. Meanwhile, Neptune’s ethereal influence may obscure your path ahead and cloud your emotions. As you navigate your next steps, it is advisable to proceed with caution and embrace Capricorn’s practical and perceptive nature.

To fully harness the power of the June Strawberry Moon, it’s important to follow these dos and don’ts for optimal results.

The biggest DOS during June’s Strawberry Full Moon in Capricorn:

DO: Embrace Your Ambitious Side

Capricorn is renowned for its strong work ethic, unwavering discipline, and relentless pursuit of goals. With this full moon, now is the ideal moment to tap into your inner leader and strategically advance your ambitions. Embrace the moon’s practical earth sign energy to channel your focus towards material pursuits. This is an opportune time to nurture your career, enhance your financial stability, or make meaningful investments. Take advantage of this energy and devise pragmatic plans to achieve your ambitions.

DO: Make Time to Evaluate Your Long-Term Objectives

The full moon in June coincides with 2024’s midpoint. Take this opportunity to reflect on the goals you established at the start of the year and harness the power of this lunar energy to assess your progress. The diligent Capricorn understands the importance of a well-thought-out strategy. This cautious yet determined zodiac sign has no interest in taking any reckless shortcuts. Therefore, it is crucial to anticipate potential challenges, plan accordingly, and set yourself on a dependable course towards achievement.

DO: Act in a Way That Reflects Your Values

During this lunar cycle, the sun and Venus, the planet of love, are in close conjunction, and both are directly opposing the moon. This emphasizes the importance of prioritizing your personal values and making informed decisions about where to invest your energy. It encourages you to carefully consider the significance of various aspects of your life, such as relationships, jobs, and personal expectations. At this moment, it is crucial to establish goals that deeply resonate with you. Connect with your inner compass and let it lead you towards your next endeavors.

The biggest DON’TS during June’s Strawberry Full Moon in Capricorn:

DON’T: Waste Time on Pointless Pursuits

It is important to have ambitious goals and aim high. However, the Strawberry Moon encourages you to assess which of your goals are making progress and which ones remain distant and unlikely to achieve. The energy of the Capricorn zodiac sign exudes a sense of patience and diligence, encouraging you to make the most of your resources and strive for efficiency. If you find that something is beginning to seem unproductive and draining, this full moon presents a favorable opportunity to temporarily set it aside and prioritize the plans that appear more feasible.

DON’T: Suppress Your Feelings

During this lunation, the sun, moon, and Venus will form challenging aspects with the elusive planet Neptune, potentially causing a surge of confusing emotions and a sense of uncertainty in our perception of reality. Given the circumstances, it is crucial to effectively communicate your emotions and avoid becoming trapped in your own thoughts. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with a trusted confidant can provide valuable insights and help you gain clarity in your situation.

DON’T: Ignore Your Reality

The full moon in Capricorn illuminates your practical obligations and emphasizes your ambitions in both the material and professional realms. However, due to the challenging nature of Neptune, there is a possibility that you may feel inclined to retreat into a realm of imagination and indulge in escapist behaviors. When faced with the urge to detach or distract yourself from important tasks, it’s crucial to refocus and get back on track. If you find yourself facing uncertainty along your path, it is wise to proceed with caution rather than giving up entirely.

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