Home Consciousness Is Your Heart Chakra Blocked? 5 Signs To Pay Close Attention To

Is Your Heart Chakra Blocked? 5 Signs To Pay Close Attention To

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

The heart, or Anahata (as it is called in Sanskrit) chakra is named so because it is right adjacent to the heart.

It is the medial chakra, which connects the chakras of the upper and lower bodies, in addition to being located in the middle of the chest.

In a way, it provides a linking point for the energies of a more primal nature with those that are related to spirituality. It is also the energy center that defines our relationships with others and our emotions.

Here are 4 signs that indicate that something is not quite right with the heart chakra:

1. Lack of empathy toward others:

Some people happen to be less empathic than others and are mostly concerned with their own affairs. But if you are not naturally one of those people and have recently found it hard to care about others, you might have a reason to worry.

2. The need for solitude and shyness:

In addition to feeling empathy for others, a blocked heart chakra can hinder your ability to communicate effectively. As previously mentioned, the heart chakra governs our relationships with others, and when it becomes blocked, we tend to retreat into our own space rather than interacting with others. Social skills too would suffer a loss, and you’d find yourself more and more shy.

3. Inability to forgive:

Since we often struggle to understand the problems of others, we may also find it difficult to forgive their mistakes. If you feel a sudden change in your attitude, especially if people have started pointing it out to you, then maybe you need to change. If people are complaining that you should let things go, then perhaps you need to pay attention.

4. You’re Bottling Up Your Emotions:

If you’re in the habit of keeping your emotions bottled up, it can definitely take a toll on your love life. When you do this, you will feel a lot of pressure in your chest and may possibly experience anxiety. Holding back will definitely impact the quality of your life.

That’s why finding a safe place to release your emotions is key. It can be screaming or crying in the shower, going for a hike, walking alone or with someone you can share your innermost feelings with, and of course, seeking some form of healing—reiki, massage, and other modalities—will help you.

5. Your relationships:

And most importantly, if you have a blocked heart chakra, your relationships will suffer. If you think that your relationships are turning sour, you need to pay attention to your actions.

Meditation, healing crystals, and aromatherapy can help if you find that you are suffering from these symptoms.

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