Home Consciousness The Powerful Sirius Gateway Opens First Week of July 2024: Expand Your Consciousness

The Powerful Sirius Gateway Opens First Week of July 2024: Expand Your Consciousness

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

In astrological circles, the first week of July is always considered to be important for all of humanity.

A sacred energy gateway between Earth and the star Sirius activates every year in the first week of July, bringing heightened vibrations and spiritual advancements.

This energy portal occurs when the Sun is in conjunction with the star Sirius, which is located at 14 degrees of the tropical zodiac of Cancer.

We can all access this high-frequency energy as the Sun and Sirius conjunct from July 2–7 and use it for creative inspiration, entrepreneurial endeavors, technological innovations, and sharpening our intuition.

Sirius has long been revered by many ancient cultures and is considered our Spiritual Sun.

Our Sun is regarded as the planet’s lifeline. The Sun is the source of all energy, including birth, warmth, sustenance, and light. The Sun is what keeps us alive and present in this physical world.

Sirius is our “Spiritual Sun,” shining 23 times brighter than our Sun and assisting us in activating and shifting to higher levels of spiritual awareness.

If the Sun, which our Earth orbits, warms our bodies, Sirius, far out in our galaxy, warms our souls.

Despite its distance from Earth, the star Sirius appears to play an important role in the stories of many ancient cultures around the world.

In ancient Egypt, Sirius was considered the star of the Goddess Isis, who rules over the cycles of death and rebirth, and Anubis, the jackal-headed god who could travel between the worlds of the living and the worlds of the dead.

Ancient Shamanic cultures believed Sirius to be a portal to the gods, and journeys through the Sirius Gateway would deliver divine messages. People also believed that Sirius served as the gateway to heaven, where our souls must pass before transitioning from this world to the next.

In many ancient cultures, Sirius was associated with spiritual awakening and the inevitable cycles of transformation that occur as we travel through this earthly journey and beyond.

Sirus is also associated with freedom in modern astrology. Its energy can help us release restrictions and feel free to express our true selves. This freedom energy can also serve as inspiration, motivating us to go out there and make our goals and dreams a reality.

Sirius is also thought to be the home of an alien race with extremely advanced technological innovations and psychic abilities.

While many starseeds already feel connected to Sirius, this gateway may make it easier to receive messages from Sirian beings or remember past or parallel lives with Sirius.

All of this high-frequency energy makes the first week of July a highly potent time on Earth, where we can open and advance our spiritual awareness, receive Divine messages, and discover a new freedom within ourselves and our lives.

In addition, we may be more open to connecting with higher beings and honoring our own cycles of death and rebirth and how they have helped us spiritually.

To receive this powerful spiritual energy in your own life, the first week of July is an excellent time to meditate, activate your third eye, and seek guidance from your spirit guides, guardian angels, or higher self.

It’s also a beneficial time to do an aura cleanse and work on finding more freedom in your creative or entrepreneurial endeavors. If you work in technology, you might feel extra supported by any innovations you’re working on, or you might get a burst of inspiration.

How to Harness the Energy of the Sirius Gateway

If you want to know how to access the energies of the Sirius Gateway, here are some things you can try:

Activate your Third Eye

The seat of your soul and the source of your intuition and psychic abilities is your third eye, which is located in the center of your forehead. To activate your third eye, place your hand a few inches above the center of your third eye and begin moving your hand anti-clockwise. Perform this for 1-2 minutes. Then, shake your hand off and begin moving it clockwise for another 1-2 minutes. The clockwise motion cleanses your third eye, while the anti-clockwise motion opens and activates it. After that, spend some time meditating, journaling, or being in nature to be open to any insights or downloads from the cosmos, your guides, or your higher self.

Automatic Writing

Automatic writing is an excellent way to receive insights and downloads. Begin by journaling for 10 to 20 minutes. During this time, write down everything you’re thinking about so you can clear your mind. When you’re no longer able to write, ask Spirit, the Universe, or your Higher Self a question. Write down the question, then start writing the answer. If the answer comes from you, don’t worry—the more you write and let your consciousness flow, the more divine guidance you’ll receive.


Meditation is one of the most effective ways to open your heart and mind to receive these highly advanced Sirius vibrations. If you find it difficult to meditate on your own, try Cosmic Guided Meditation for July. The design specifically aims to facilitate your connection with the Sirius Gateway and other available energies throughout the month. In this guided meditation, embark on a soothing journey as you follow the gentle instructions to start heart-drumming. Additionally, you will learn how to harness the power of sound and your breath to enhance the benefits of your practice. Imagine this as a form of active meditation that will awaken your spirit and revitalize your entire being, allowing you to experience a greater sense of oneness with your authentic self. You can also meditate by focusing on your breathing. Breathe in for four counts, hold your breath for four counts, and exhale for eight counts. To begin, repeat this 10 times to see if it helps to calm and still your mind.

Use Crystals

Crystals are an excellent way to access this energy. Set an intention and leave your crystals out overnight to charge them with the energies of the Sirius Gateway. Use your intuition to help you find the best crystal. If you want, you can write an intention on a piece of paper and place it under the crystal as you charge it. Take your crystal and begin meditating or holding it in the morning. Maintain its proximity to you throughout the day to transfer energies. If you want, you can do this every night the Sirius Gateway is active (July 2–7).

Sirius Gateway Blessings!

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