Home Consciousness Neptune Retrograde Adventure 2024: Get Ready for a Reality Check

Neptune Retrograde Adventure 2024: Get Ready for a Reality Check

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Deepen your contemplation.

With the summer in full swing, the retrograde season of the outer planets is also gaining momentum. The latest addition to this group of backward-moving celestial bodies is the mystical planet Neptune.

During the period from July 2 to December 7, Neptune, the planet associated with illusion, romance, and mystery, will be in retrograde in its home sign of Pisces. Neptune’s retrograde, which occurs annually for about five months, is a well-known occurrence in the celestial realm. In the upcoming months, our intuition might be limited, prompting us to perceive things as they truly are instead of how we desire them to be. Although the task may appear challenging, we have the inner strength to overcome it.

The retrograde motion of Neptune serves as a powerful cosmic reminder. Enveloped in a dreamy atmosphere and influenced by the emotions and actions of those around us, we will gain a heightened sense of our own feelings and become more attuned to any attempts at manipulation in our relationships. With our heightened awareness, we’ll be able to anticipate any attempts to deceive us. Identifying such behavior will be more effortless than ever. And it’s possible that we can completely circumvent the situation. It is important to be cautious, as there is a possibility of self-deception when it comes to trusting our peers and loved ones.

During Neptune’s retrograde, dreams continue to hold significant influence, requiring us to approach them with purpose and mindfulness. It is important to balance our dreams and ambitions with a grounded perspective, ensuring we stay rooted in reality rather than getting lost in fantastical ideas. It is important to approach our goals with a practical mindset and consider the time it will take to accomplish them. For example, in order to pursue a career as a race car driver, it is essential to possess a valid driver’s license or actively strive towards obtaining one. If you have aspirations of traveling to another country, it would be wise to begin by obtaining a passport and determining your desired destination.

Neptune retrograde is often a deeply introspective experience. Referred to as the divine discontent, Neptune possesses the allure of a captivating siren, enchanting all who hear its song in the night air. We are captivated by the allure of the sound, as it exudes a captivating beauty from afar. However, when we find ourselves in close proximity to a situation or individual and the energy has had time to settle, we often find ourselves inclined to alter our perspectives. When Neptune’s planetary moonwalk takes place, we have the freedom to make changes without feeling any regret or shame. Recognizing our ability to make choices is essential, as it propels us towards achieving success and finding happiness. Recognizing this can give us a sense of empowerment over our own fate.

Neptune retrograde invites us to delve into our visions, fantasies, and ideologies with a sense of curiosity and exploration. We can explore the vast ocean and navigate our own path. Finally, we will confidently express our thoughts and beliefs to the world. Our imagination may guide us towards artistic breakthroughs as we strive to find harmony between the realms of the physical and spiritual. Finding inspiration from external sources may prove to be difficult, so it is important to focus on connecting with ourselves and engaging in activities that foster optimism about our current circumstances. Emphasizing the importance of self-care and setting boundaries in relationships can greatly contribute to our overall wellbeing.

When it comes to tarot, the Hanged Man is closely associated with the planet Neptune. When this Major Arcana card is in an upright position, it symbolizes qualities such as patience, deep contemplation, the influence of karma, and the struggle with making decisions. When in reversal mode, which is associated with retrograde motion, the Hanged Man indicates that adopting a fresh perspective can pave the way for remarkable achievements. In order to break free from the limitations we’ve placed on ourselves, it’s essential to adopt a more proactive mindset. Approaching your next steps with caution and patience is crucial. Avoid rushing and be mindful of the potential challenges that may arise. One important aspect to consider with the Hanged Man is the importance of adjusting our actions in order to gain a clearer understanding of how they should be.

As we progress through the coming months, it is important to show kindness towards both others and ourselves. Finding a healthy outlet for our emotions can be crucial when we experience a shaken world. Engaging in group therapy, connecting with a humanitarian cause or the local community, and having open discussions with peers and family can serve as valuable resources for healing and experiencing a sense of belonging to a greater whole. Engaging in a meditation group or art class can have a profound impact on our personal growth. Embrace ideas that ignite a sense of passion and creativity.

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