Home Consciousness Tonight’s New Moon in Leo Encourages You to Slow Down & Introspect

Tonight’s New Moon in Leo Encourages You to Slow Down & Introspect

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

Be warned: New moons in Leo tend to bring a touch of drama, and this year, Mercury retrograde closely follows, adding an extra dose of chaos. Luckily, Mercury retrograde on August 5 allows you to fully embrace the warmth, optimism, and positive energy originating from the new moon.

On August 4th, the New Moon in Leo marks the beginning of a brand-new lunar cycle, providing us with a surge of revitalizing energy and a renewed outlook.

During the Leo New Moons, we have the opportunity to embrace a sense of playfulness and release any burdens weighing on our hearts. They provide a wonderful opportunity to honor the radiant essence that resides within us and embrace the purpose of our existence—to revel in life’s offerings, to savor new experiences, and to discover happiness, particularly in the little pleasures.

Jupiter’s presence this year enhances the Leo Moon, creating a harmonious alignment that encourages us to embrace the positive aspects of life. Jupiter, the cosmic expander, has a significant influence on our lives. During the New Moon, we may encounter challenges, but we will likely view them in a positive light or gain a fresh, broader perspective.

The Leo New Moon brings powerful energy and opportunities for growth.

Chariklo, the asteroid associated with Spirit Medicine, was also influenced during the 2024 Leo New Moon. Chariklo is recognized as the partner of Chiron, the asteroid associated with the concept of the wounded healer. She exudes a comparable energy, gently urging us to embrace our innate healing abilities by tapping into our intuition and connecting with the natural world.

She emphasizes the importance of finding our “medicine” in both the natural world and within ourselves. She emphasizes the importance of looking inward and tapping into our own inner resources to find the remedies we seek. By delving deeper and acknowledging the innate healing abilities we possess, we can create and nurture the tonics we need.

Chariklo has the ability to lead us towards the ideal remedy, whether it is a prescribed medication, a rejuvenating stroll amidst nature, or a natural herbal remedy. Chariklo’s guidance will lead us to what we need, so it’s important to remain open to her messages. If you’re embarking on a healing journey or looking for healing answers, rest assured that Chariklo will be by your side during this New Moon.

Quiet your mind and focus on the profound insights that are awaiting revelation. Understand that with Chariklo, the process of healing is a continuous journey rather than a fixed destination. Understanding the ever-changing nature of our bodies and attentively responding to their needs is an ongoing journey.

During the New Moon, it is important to be mindful of the signals and hints that your body may be giving you. Pay close attention to any symptoms or anxieties, as they are important messages that require your attention. Find inner harmony, and let Chariklo be your guiding light to discover the remedy you seek.

Leo New Moon: Patience is the key word.

Shortly after this New Moon on August 5th, Mercury, the planet associated with communication and our thought processes, will enter retrograde. The close proximity of the New Moon and Mercury Retrograde can intensify their combined influence.

During a Mercury Retrograde, it is common to experience a heightened sense of confusion or find ourselves caught in a cycle of overthinking. It seems that we might be making decisions without having all the necessary information at our disposal. It’s crucial to focus inward and trust our intuition during Mercury Retrograde, rather than succumbing to external influences.

Feelings of guilt, past traumas, and shame can sometimes burden our own voice, impacting our ability to discern what we truly need to be doing. Our inner voice can gain strength during a Mercury Retrograde, allowing it to become a powerful guiding force. By adopting a mindful approach and quieting our self-judgment, a deeper understanding can arise, leading to a more empowered existence.

Our own insecurities, fears, and the conditioning of our past can sometimes hinder the inherent power within each of us. Mercury Retrograde allows us to gain a deeper understanding and perspective on these matters. Indeed, this celestial phenomenon is notorious for its ability to cause trickery, mishaps, miscommunications, and contract disputes. However, its true potential lies in its capacity to lead us towards introspection and empower us to trust our own instincts. By understanding and harnessing the energy of Mercury Retrograde, we can transform it from a mere inconvenience into a valuable tool for personal growth and empowerment.

During Mercury Retrograde, it can be beneficial to revisit the past and make revisions. It’s intriguing how the New Moon encourages us to do the opposite. It suggests that we should leave the past behind and focus on the opportunities that lie ahead.

During the Leo New Moon, there might be a slight tug-of-war between these two concepts. Before moving forward, it’s important to address any unfinished tasks or loose ends that may be lingering. It’s perfectly acceptable to feel caught between the new and the old. Have faith in the process, and be open to revisiting and resolving the past before moving forward.

The Leo New Moon ignites a profound spiritual transformation, ushering in a period of rebirth and renewal.

Following the peak of the New Moon, we also commemorate the Lion’s Gate Portal, which heralds the ascension of Sirius. During this time of year, Sirius would rise and align over the paws of Egypt’s Sphinx, giving the portal its name. It was believed that when Sirius reached this position in the sky, it could establish a profound connection to higher wisdom and enlightenment. Those who witnessed this celestial event believed it awakened ancient wisdom within their hearts and minds.

It remains uncertain whether Sirius still aligns in this position, given the Earth’s tilt. However, we joyfully commemorate this celestial event as a tribute to the awakening of our spirit and the rejuvenation of our soul. As Sirius rises once more, we have the opportunity to elevate ourselves in sync with its spiritual radiance.

The New Moon invites us to embrace this gateway, serving as a gentle reminder of the enchantment that resides within us. The Universe is an immense and ever-expanding realm, with each of us playing a role within it. We are all interconnected in the grand tapestry of existence, and it is in these precious moments that we can be reminded of our celestial nature and our profound connection to the Universe.

Embrace and honor every aspect of your being. Experience the upliftment of your spirit’s energy. Recognize the interconnectedness of everything, and observe how the New Moon ushers in a fresh chapter in your life.

Happy New Moon!!!

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