Home Health & Wellness A Ritual to Ride the Energy Wave of the Powerful Lion’s Gate Portal, August 2024

A Ritual to Ride the Energy Wave of the Powerful Lion’s Gate Portal, August 2024

by consciousreminder
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by Conscious Reminder

An onslaught of retrogrades made us nervous, but the Lion’s Gate Portal 2024 is swooping in to provide some much-needed optimism.

While Mercury disrupts our communication skills and Venus delights in causing havoc in our romantic lives, the Lions Gate Portal can be thought of as an astrological or numerical breather—an end-of-summer spiritual event meant to bring us closer to our dreams.

Although the Lions Gate Portal typically occurs from late July to early August—specifically, from Friday, July 26 to Monday, August 12—it is believed to be most powerful on August 8, which is a Thursday this year.

This ritual would primarily focus on cleansing our third eye and heart chakras, and we would work with these chakras to facilitate this process.


  • A tool for smudging
  • A pen and a journal
  • Crystals (2)
  • A timer


1. Use a smudging tool to cleanse your surroundings and aura. As you cleanse your aura, repeat these words:

‘I am cleansing myself with a loving and positive light. Every energy that has no place in me is leaving my soul. I feel light, and I feel myself.’

Recite this while cleansing your surroundings:

‘My space has been protected and cleansed, so only positive energy and love can exist here.’

2. Sit comfortably, put your hand on your chest, and shut your eyes. Then, try to breathe deeply and feel it deep within your heart.

3. Now, start circling your chest with your hand, anti-clockwise. While you are doing it, imagine that you are also cleansing the energies in your heart. Do this at least 100 times and see if you can feel something new.

4. Next, move your hand clockwise over your heart, and try imagining your heart getting supercharged. As you continue to make circles, increase their size. See if the energy that radiates increases with the increasing circles. Do this 100 times.

5. Repeat the same process with your third eye. Keep your hand over your forehead and move it anti-clockwise for 100 times, then in a clockwise motion. In the end, you should feel sensations that you would do well to remember.

6. Lie down, put a crystal over your heart and one on the forehead, and try to meditate. Clear your soul and your mind, and feel the crystals sinking inside your body with the help of these chakras.

7. Now, pick up a journal and start writing down any of the feelings that you come across while doing this ritual. It could be a prayer, it could be an epiphany, it could be a realization—it could literally be anything that was lurking in your subconscious but is out in the open right now. Don’t stop to think; let it come naturally to you. Set a timer for about 20 minutes and write down every single word and thought that comes to you.

8. Read what you have written. Does it make sense? Do you understand what’s written? Do you understand why you’ve written it? Appreciate the spirit guides for guiding you through this.

9. Keep the crystals on you as you sleep, and don’t forget to drink water or tea to keep the energy level high.

Have a happy Lion’s Gate.

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